The Holy Spirit part 5-The Work of the Spirit

Prayer Prompt: Lord, guide me into truth and help me to bear fruit in response to Your word.
Read: John 16
Introduction:  Like last time, Jesus is talking with his disciples, knowing He is going to shortly be betrayed and crucified.  This chapter is continuing the conversation He is having with them in what we studied last time, chapter 14.  In verse 7 is a shocking statement, that Jesus leaving is better for them because if He leaves the Holy Spirit can come.  Imagine being in that room and hearing Jesus, the one you have left everything for, say that it’s better for you if He’s gone.  He has just come into town on a donkey (more donkeys…God uses donkey’s a lot…random…or not…) and the crowds cheered him with palm tree branches (John 12:13).  They had hoped their promised Messiah would be an earthly ruler who would take back the government so they would not be under occupation any longer (Isaiah 9:7) Soon they will be a frenzied mob calling for His death (John 12:40).  Let us look together into the things Jesus promised the Spirit would do and how He still works for us today. And He will rule but His kingdom is not of this world (John 12:36).
Study: John 16: 7-15
·         Jesus says it is to his advantage that He is leaving so the Spirit can come.  What advantages do you see in this chapter? Read John 15:26, 27; John 7:39; Acts 2:33 for more.
·         Verse 8 has a natural outline in the three things that the Spirit will do when He comes.  Define what those three words mean to you.  Now read verses 9-11 and compare your understanding of the words to how they are defined in this chapter.  Check John 15:22-24.
·         Looking closely at verses 13-15, whose words will the Spirit give the disciples?  Will He speak on His own?  Do you remember from last week another who spoke from the same authority (review John 8:28)?  How do these verses speak to the unity of the Godhead (God in three persons-Father, Son & Holy Spirit). 
What Does it Mean to Me:
·         Jesus said when the Spirit came He would convict the world according to sin.  Jesus said the sin that was committed was that they rejected Him as Messiah.  Are people who have never heard about Jesus innocent of sin?  Read Roman’s 1:20.  In fact the religious authorities at this time (the Pharisees) were the one’s rejecting Jesus as the Messiah that Israel had been waiting for (Read Matt 21:42-43).  In this passage Jesus says the kingdom will be taken away from those who disbelieve and will be given to people who are producing the fruit of it.  What fruit do you see God producing in your life?
·         For me one of the most encouraging messages in John chapter 16 was about the words of truth the Spirit speaks true things from God.  Read John 15:15.  Jesus now calls us friends!  He cares about us and wants us to know His will for us and uses the Spirit to do it.  When was the last time you hear personally from the Spirit?  Did you do what He said or not?  How did you hear from Him?  Have you been putting those habits into practice in your life to hear from the Spirit?
Live it Out:  In the last question I asked you to recall the last thing the Spirit said to you.  Did you do it?  If not what is stopping you?  Read Romans 6:21 for a little holy kick-in-the-pants.  I’d also like to challenge you to comment on this post on what the last thing God said to you through His Spirit was.  I’ll start it off.  God told me this morning to not be so defensive when my husband comes across as critical. Tough words.  I know you are all holding me accountable so I’ll let you know how that went for me…
Meditation: Write down a verse or truth God has shown you today through this study.  Put it somewhere you will see it often and remember His personal life-giving word for you. 



Sarah Jones said…
You asked how the Spirit has been working in our lives? Well, to be honest, I've been so busy, that my time in the Word has gotten away from me. Thank God for you Rayna, because your studies have really helped me regain my focus and that is what God has been pushing me to do. Because I'm more focused, it's reflecting onto my little Sophie who Jesus really is and her little heart is opening! Praise God!
Rayna said…
Thanks for sharing that! As moms our biggest goal and joy is being a conduit for passing along a heritage of faith to our kids. When God works in us it always overflows to others.
MJ said…
The Holy Spirit was really working in me and then I let other things take priority. By not focusing and taking time to just be and listen to the Holy Spirit I have felt it in my life with frustrations of not being enough. It is time, today being Easter, to make it a goal again to have time to slow down and listen.

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