Devotional: Public Enemy #1

For God, who said Light shall shine out of darkness, is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ   -Corinthians 4:6
I’ve had some full out battles this week with my number one enemy: myself.  I like to deal in sabotage.  It’s my best tactic.  Through the creative arsenal at my disposal I have no chance against myself.  For the  enemy, my sin-nature, has too much “central intelligence.”  It knows my weaknesses and the things to exploit that I perceive as strength.  How can I be so blind to that which prowls without ceasing inside.  I need not go out of self to reap my own destruction.
Inside is a civil war. Minutes after time with God we are thrust back into the ripe fray; the targets our own thoughts, actions, and feelings.  But this battle is covert and I fight this desire to keep it hidden because of pride.  The enemy whispers not to call for reinforcements, you’ve got this on your own.  His examples come to mind, all the other burdenless  people you see at church every Sunday.  Solid.  Handling life's difficulties with ease. What an outright lie!  The greatest source to battle darkness is Light.
If Christ lives in you than your sin-nature’s greatest fear is letting your Light show because darkness has no chance against the Light.
The light I am talking about is Christ: a God-Person to witness (El Roi-He sees, He knows).  Our resource in the pursuit of peace rings of confession.  Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed (James 5:16).  That Light is a beacon of truth to others, an acknowledgment that you have need for a Savior.  That you are a safe harbor to welcome other refugees.  Light welcomes and invites other truth-seekers and acts as a shield, claiming your territory for the Lord.
My battle last night was against the ruthless worthlessness.  The battled has raged heavy since I started this blog and little shoots of Light started blossoming in your hearts.  The thought crossed my mind, a dispatch from the enemy camp, you should stop your blog.  You are a hypocrite, you have nothing of value to give.  Who are you to lead others, to guide them when you are still full of such garbage.  Who are you…but the Light penetrates in the deep darkness, my Hero emerges, my Messiah and He only needs to speak soft because truth is loud—You are MINE.  That is who you are and will be forever without end. 
And then filled again I am willing to fight for joy—yours and mine.  As Habbakkuk 3:18 says I will take joy.  Not pain, not death, but life in joy, filled up and spilling over into enough to share and give again, poured out like a drink offering.
God sends His reinforcements , a small boy with bed-head in wrinkled transformer pajamas to climb up with me on the couch as I write.  He tucks his favorite yellow blanket around me and says without words, you have worth, you are loved.  Then my little songbird, with tangles in her hair arrives on the seen.  Mommy, I want to sing a song about Jesus but everybody tells me I don’t sing good.  The echoes of Eden’s lie.  The battle inside me is passed down, the sin-nature relentless in it’s pursuit of the innocent.  The lesson I’m learning is already bearing fruit.  I can give her a hug.  It’s all she needs to see the Light.  Now I remember the song she says.  Do you remember the life-song you were given to sing? An email from my husband, the one always in my corner, to fight with me the good fight.  My partner in inextinguishable light.  Words of life and hope .  Who stands with you to fight?  Who is the family God has given you, by blood or spirit, who will put forth light to the world with you?
How will you fight, for you must-the battle won’t leave.  You can hide but it will find you.  It will seek you out.  Today take a stand and expose the things that keep you captive.  Listen to Jesus as he speaks to you in Luke and Isaiah:  The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, because He anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim release to the Captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed.  And sister, he has sent you to preach through your life and weakness His strength to a grace-parched world. 

Prepare your heart (suggested worship is Brandon Heath The Light in Me and reflect on your biggest enemy.  Share it anonymously here on this blog, call it out.  Or name yourself and name your own junk.  The bigger you risk in confession, the more freedom awaits your heart.  Take no prisoners and keep no captives.  Set them and yourself free.  It’s spring cleaning ladies…


Anonymous said…
Completely brilliant and impactful. Thank you.
Sarah Jones said…
Don't you just hate that... just when you thought what you were doing what was right, Satan knocks (or tries to knock) you down. That happened to me when I started my second job as the children's ministry co-leader. My confidence was shattered over and over by my own feelings of inadequacy and perceiving what others were thinking of me. God led me to this position and I BELIEVE that he wants me there. When it seems like too much, he pulls me back in and makes me see why I'm there. I'm growing right along with my preschoolers and my life has CHANGED! Praise God!

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