The Holy Spirit part 2-King Saul's Experience
Prayer Prompt: Lord, help me claim my inheritance with confidence in Your will for my life
Read for Context: 1 Samuel 10
Introduction: Donkeys. All of this happened because of donkeys. Well really all of this happened because of God and He used lost donkeys to connect Saul with His prophet Samuel to anoint him king. It always baffles me, how God does work everything together for His good purpose (Rom 8:28). Samuel was a judge (as in the days of Sampson as we studied last time) and as he grew older appointed his sons to take over. They didn’t follow the Lord like Samuel had done, so Israel asked God for a king. This story is about how God took a reluctant heart and changed it. Our God has repeated this story in many lives; it’s the business of salvation. I hope that the eyes of your heart are opened to see when God brings a donkey your way.
Study: 1 Samuel 10: 1-10,16, 20-22, 26
· List all the signs that Samuel told Saul would take place.
· Compare verse 6 to verses 9 and 10. Did all the things Samuel foretold take place?
· What did Saul do after being anointed? Find two things that show his fear.
· What was the inheritance the Lord wanted to give Saul? Look up Deuteronomy 32:9 and Psalm 78:71 to find the answer.
What Does it Mean to Me?
· God has selected Saul to receive his inheritance. What did you discover about what that was? Now read Ephesians 1:11-14. Is your inheritance the same as Saul’s? How are you certain you have received it?
· In this narrative, God shows Saul’s fear in becoming king. Is there anything God has given you that you’re fearful to take hold of? How are you hiding from God?
· In verse 26 God touches the hearts of valiant men, to follow Saul. Gesenius’s Lexicon describes this Hebrew phrase to literally mean “move the mind of any one.” Who has God moved to support you in your journey of faith?
Live it Out:
· Saul’s inheritance was to gain a group of people, the Israelites. Who has God put under your care? Make a list of these people and write the ways they bless your life. See the goodness of God in enriching your life with the people He created for you to care for. If He has touched you today, tell some people on your list why they are special to you.
Meditation: Write down a verse or truth God has shown you today through this study. Put it somewhere you will see it often and remember His word for you today.