The Holy Spirit part 4-Jesus Promises the Spirit

Prayer Prompt: Lord, give me the faith to ask for Your will in my life and to obey You to show I love You.
Read for Context: John 14
Introduction: All of us at some point have felt alone when it comes to our time with God in day-to-day life.  We might feel like we pray or read the Word but don’t sense anything in return.  The answers or His presence may seem to allude us.  In this passage Jesus was with His disciples but He knew He was leaving.  He wanted to give them hope and comfort for the times ahead when they felt alone and abandoned.  Though He wouldn’t be there in body, He would in spirit through the Spirit!  He promises the diciples that they will do greater things, that He will answer their prayers, but most importantly that He will be with them.  If you feel alone in any circumstance remember He said these things for your hope too. 
Study: John 14:12-17; 26-28
·         If you were to give this chapter a title (if you have one in your Bible try not to look at it), what would you say it’s mostly about?  What command is repeated multiple times?
·         What prayers does Jesus answer and why?  Read John 15:15, 16:23-24 and James 1:5-8. 
·         How does Jesus describe the Holy Spirit in verses 16 , 17, and 26?  What do you learn about Him.  Read John 15:26 and 1 Corinthians 3:10-13.  We will get into this more next time.
·         I was really tempted to skip this next part because it is hard stuff.  So I got some help from the very smart J. Ramsey Michaels.  When you were reading you might have questions about the word “greater” in verses 12 and 28.  How can we do greater works than Christ?  How is the Father greater than Christ?  Read these verses to see if you can answer any of your questions: Matt 17:20, 16:18, 24:36; Luke 10:22; John 8:28; Acts 1:7-8; Phil 2:5-7. 
What Does it Mean to Me:
·         A major theme in this chapter is the appeal Jesus makes to obey Him if you love Him. Are there any areas in your life that God has been calling you to obey?  Obedience even when it’s hard is a love offering to the Lord.  In my life, thinking about what He’s done for me, how He’s cared for me in the past, and worshiping is a good way to increase my love for Him and my desire to obey.  See 2 Corinthians 2:16-18.
·         How does what you learned about prayer effect your prayer life?  How do you know what prayers will be answered?
·         What have you learned about the Holy Spirit that encourages you?
·         All three parts of the Godhead have specific roles, yet they are all equal; they are still One (John 10:30).  Jesus calls the Father greater because there are some parts of their unity that aren’t reciprocal or reversible.  So this description is one of function, not glory.  Also, the works that we will do are not greater in value but in scope.  The message we bring is His salvation to the whole world!  But He is still the Author and Perfecter of that faith (Hebrews 12:2).  

Live it Out:   If the work He calls us to is to share with the world, who have you shared with recently?  Is it time to take a risk with the person God has put on your heart?

Meditation: Write down a verse or truth God has shown you today through this study.  Put it somewhere you will see it often and remember His personal life-giving word for you. 


Monica said…
Thank you for sharing Rayna...I am looking forward to reading your blog - I think it could be what I have been searching for...
Missy said…
Very good! Encouraging and convicting! The wording seemed a little off on the first question of What Does it Mean to Me...just FYI.

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