The Holy Spirit part 1-The Spirit Gives Strength

*This series will focus on the Holy Spirit.  It is a survey course of 14 parts.  Pacing from the reading material comes from Zonderzan's 2-week pacing guide.  When commentaries and other study resources are used I will cite the author. 

Prayer Prompt: Lord, let me be sensitive to Your power in my life.

Read for Context: Judges 14

Introduction:  Crazy chapter!  I’ve heard this story in Sunday school growing up, but now as a married woman and mom I noticed other things.   First, that men haven’t changed much.  He sees a woman and just wants her as his wife?  Are men visual creatures or what!  Then there is the parents.  They don’t seem to stand up to him very much, especially since what he wanted was against God’s law.  But this was the time of the Judges, where everyone did what was right in his own eyes (Judges 17:6).  And the woman.  She cries and whines until she nags him so much that he finally gives in.  It is good to remember that our God uses imperfect people and fills them in a mighty way for His purposes.   

Study: Judges 14:3-6, 19
·         What reason did Sampson’s parent’s give for not wanting him to marry?  Read Joshua 23: 11-13.
·         What was the Lord’s plan for Sampson’s desire to marry? 
·         What happened when he was filled with the Spirit?

What Does it Mean to Me?
·         What word does your translation use to describe the filling of the Spirit?  The Hebrew word is tsalach, which means to rush, to advance, prosper, make progress, succeed, be profitable.  How would you describe how you feel when you are filled with the Spirit? Have you ever been?  If not, why?

Live it Out:
·         Read Ex 31:3.  In this chapter God is describing his servant Bezalel to Moses, who is one of the Israelites who God appointed to do the artistic designs for the tent of meeting.  Our God has given you special talents to do the work only you were created to do (Ephesians 2:10). Today try to live with an awareness of the Spirit and His filling specifically for the work He has called you to. 

·         Write down a verse or truth God has shown you today through this study.  Put it somewhere you will see it often and remember His word for you today. 


MonicaSnider said…
I look forward to getting friends involved in your bible study with me so we can discuss it here in the comment section.
Rayna said…
I do too! Please feel free to forward the link to my site to anyone is interested in this format of connecting. I hope it's a great thing for busy mom's...
Missy Rus said…
Honestly, I do not think I have ever read or heard this story. Of course I remember STRONG Samson from Sunday school but do not remember any other details about him. What a bizarre story! I loved thinking about how I feel when filled with the Holy Spirit- strong, capable, empowered, close to God and JOYOUS!! It was just wonderful to try to put that "welling up" and "welling over" feeling into words. :) In praying about the work God specifically has for me to do I started to think about whether or not I might consider homeschooling my boys (since Caleb starts Kindergarten next fall). I am praying for His guidance and wisdom on the issue since I NEVER thought I would even consider such a CRAZY idea. But lately it seems to make more and more sense. I desire to build a strong foundation of faith for my boys so that they grow into men of God. Maybe homeschool is one of those steps. Maybe it is part of my calling...

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