The Holy Spirit part 3- The Role in Early Ministry of Christ

Prayer Prompt: Lord, show me the areas of my heart that aren’t completely Yours and enable me to undertake true repentance.

Read for Context: Matthew 3:1-4:11

Introduction: When is the last time you have felt unworthy?  Where you got an incredible gift or compliment that humbled you?  I am entering a season in my spiritual walk where I am consciously aware of being undeserving.  A keen awareness of our smallness and God’s bigness is a freeing feeling-something the world can’t understand.  It feels good to know you are kept completely safe in huge and powerful arms.  The Holy Spirit speaks life into our souls when He gently tells us despite our failings it’s the way He has chosen to work.  John experienced this in the desert as Christ came to Him to be baptized.  The Spirit’s conviction always brings us closer to God and His presence confirms we are accepted and loved.  If the voices you sense push you away from the cross, this is not the voice of our Lord but the enemy.  This is guilt.  Have confidence today that it has been paid in full and it is finished (John 10:30). 

Study: Matt 3:1-6, 8 , 14-17; 4:1-4
·         Using the first 6 verses of chapter 3, list the reasons for and actions of repentance
·         What does verse 8 say will show that your repentance is genuine?  See Ephesians 5:8-10.
·         Did John welcome the chance to baptize Jesus?
·         This passage references the triune nature of God (God in three-persons).  How did each part of the trinity respond to the baptism?
·         When exactly did Jesus go to the desert?  When did his temptation begin? 

What Does it Mean to Me:
·         Repentance means to turn, to completely change the direction of one’s life.  The imagery of travel does not end there.  The quote from verse 3 comes from Isaiah 40:3.  Read Isaiah 40:1-5.  In ancient times the roads were in poor condition.  The only times efforts were made to make them level and smooth was when royalty was coming.  John used prophecy from Isaiah to describe the need for repentance on the road of the heart; that those that heard his message would give the King of Kings an open path into their inner being.  Is there anything currently in your life that makes it difficult for Christ to enter in?
·         Why did Christ need to be baptized?   Read Philippians 2:5-11.  He did it with a nature different than ours (sinless) and He did it to identify with us.  What was the benefit of the Sinless One for us?  Read 2 Corinthians 5:12.
·         Often times of great temptation follow times of spiritual highs.  Does God tempt you?  Never.  Read James 1:13-14.  Why did Christ experience this time of testing? Read Hebrews 4:15-16.  How does that verse show His love for you in your time of need?

Live it Out: The hardest thing to do is admit your weakness and struggles.  Yet it is also the best way to get past the guilt and hiding we all do inside.  If you have courage to approach the God of the universe with your sin (Hebrews 4:16), do you have the courage to admit your sin to another believer?  I’ll lead by example.  Today I yelled at my son two times minutes before he got on the school bus.  I knew it was wrong the first time, and I did it again about 20 seconds later.  Then he went school and I wasn’t able to see him all day and ask his forgiveness.  Confession is hard but it is a command for our benefit that brings freedom (James 5:16).

Meditation: Write down a verse or truth God has shown you today through this study.  Put it somewhere you will see it often and remember His personal life-giving word for you. 


MJ said…
Our God works in mysterious ways and is all knowing! This is just what I needed to read, study, hear at this moment in my life.

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