Devotion: Barren

This morning my son needed a sick day, so instead of worshiping the Lord at church, I am here with you in my thoughts at my laptop, worshipping the Lord through this amazing passage of scripture.  This is my favorite story of motherhood in the Bible.  In part because it reminds me of two dear friends who struggled with conceiving who now have experienced the gift of life through the Lord’s blessing.  And also because this woman had a deep soul-need and found satisfaction in the Life Giver alone. 

Hannah was a woman with a rival.  Her husband’s second wife bore many children.  Yet she had none.  Barren.  This stigma was especially piercing in her day because women didn’t have many other opportunities or status.  She was a faithful and godly wife, loved greatly by her husband, yet her soul ached to have a child.  What did she do?  She brought everything she had to God and weeped before Him.  Poured out her desires and kneeled at His alter.  She was so open and vulnerable before the Lord the priest thought she was drunk.  And in a way she was, but not on wine.  She was intoxicated by the love and trust she put in God to answer her deepest hearts need. 

So what need do you bring to God today?  How can you lay it all bare before Him?  And if you’ve walked the road of suffering and waiting with the Lord, how can you respond to His answered prayer?  What if His answer to you is no?  If His will for you in your desires is to remain barren of that object of your thoughts?  This might not be a baby, but another longing of your soul. Will you still love Him?

Hannah is a woman whose gratitude inspires me.  When she got what she always wanted she gave it away.  She dedicated her son to the Lord.  She gave him over after he was weaned to the priest at the temple.  May we become women who worship the Lord extravagantly and hold loosely the things He has given us to bless others.  May we dedicate our children to the Lord and daily instruct them in His word so they will go on like Samuel to greater things.  We are mothers.  We sacrifice without thanks.  But don’t forget there is One who sees and He always holds you in His gaze.  And even if you aren’t a mother, you can relate to Hannah’s heart-wrenching cry for something.  Put it all before Him.  He is able to carry your whole heart. 

Prepare your heart to consider sacrifice and trusting God when the way is unclear with Ginny Owen’s song If You Want Me To  Then read 1 Samuel chapter 1 and prayerfully journal your thoughts in response to these prompts:
·         Think of a time when you poured out a deep need to the Lord.  How intense were your prayers?  How did He answer?  Are you at peace with the outcome?
·         Hannah dedicated her child to the Lord.  If you are a mother, what things are part of your life to grow up your children to love Him? 
·         Think of an incredible gift the Lord has given you.  How can you give it back to Him?


Christie said…
There is such relief in laying everything you have at the feet of the Lord and praying the way Hannah did. I've been there. I've prayed that way. And the Lord blessed me with great healing. Thank you, Rayna, for reminding me of this and encouraging me to go to this place of submission again.
Rayna said…
When we pour out our hearts, there is always something. We are never left more empty, but full. Even when the things around us don't change we get more of God and it fufills our hearts desire.

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