Devotional: A Quiet Whisper

And He said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the LORD.” And behold the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind.  And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake.  And after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the in the fire.  And after the fire the sound of a low whisper…and behold there came a voice…
1 Kings 19:11-13

Lately in my life a theme has overtaken the senses of my soul.  A gentle stirring, a small whisper, for this is God’s voice.  He doesn’t yell to be heard.  He doesn’t have to.  He is unlimited and communicates in a small voice because He wants us to stop and savor His words.  Like a mother longs to talk to her children, not shout to get their attention.  To sing soft lullabies when enamored by a sleeping babe.  The look in a man’s eyes who beholds his beloved.  Words are not needed.  We know we are loved in the silent probing. 
But how often do we allow ourselves to fully dwell in the present moment.  My constant temptation is to allow the enemy to use distraction as a tactic in the battle for my heart.  My desire to be sensitive to God is constantly dulled by the world rushing by me.  Music, TV, facebook, email, magazines, laundry, exercising, snacking, running errands, fulfilling an endless list of work that never ends.  I am not saying we should be neglectful as women of our roles as mothers and wives.  What should be considered instead is in the down-moments of our day, do we choose distraction over being still?  Breathing deep enough to think and be fully in the presence of Someone greater than ourselves.  For our life is His story, not ours. 
I’ve been saying no a lot lately.  No to things that are good, like playdates and activities that in a shallow way I thought I needed to feel fulfilled.  To be part of the life I saw everyone else living.  Yet it never has satisfied.   In hindsight I think the life that is worth living is making the intentional choice to let there be space.  For God to fill us full to the brim; His presence spilling over into an attitude of joy.   For Him to minister.  For His heart to shine in the dank and cob-webbed spaces neglected in this culture of rush.  I’ve discovered that by saying no, I am actually saying yes to peace.  He is becoming my real-everyday Peace.  Without this calming effect, I scrap and fight and strive to maintain what I think I need.  I live with anxiety and subtle fear—not in the security and abundance Christ came to give me (John 10:10). 
My challenge to you today is to ponder when the last time you’ve actually experienced authentic quiet and alone.  Think of it as a retreat of the soul.  I have a song suggestion for you to use to prepare your heart for that time (Be Still by Steven Curtis Chapman).  But when it’s over, don’t do anything.  Allow a place in your mind and heart for God to speak.  Maybe read your bible, slowly, like devouring choice food.  Maybe journal.  Sing.  Breath in and out.  Meditate on a truth He has told you.  No agenda.  Just be for awhile. 
In Him, we live and move and have our being.  Act 17: 28


MJ said…
I sat down here tonight instead of watching TV with this knowing that with the craziness of life and doing all the activities to fill my days - I know that something has been missing and that no matter how much I pack in I am still missing something and still a little lost inside. Wondering all along why? I just told myself tonight that I was going to refocus and do less and just maybe find that missing "peace." Thank you again Rayna...

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