Unfolding Grace

Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace.  2 Corinthians 4:16  MSG

Have you ever done origami?  If you get one of those step-by-step unfolding books they can be really  hard to understand.  Though it goes a step at a time, the drawings are two dimensional and it's hard to tell the direction to fold, even with clear illustrations.  It's often puzzling how what you are doing will create the picture you see in the long run.

In this verse in 2 Corinthians, Paul describes the Christian life as one big folding puzzle.  On the outside, it's hard to know what God is doing.  It is sometimes impossible to imagine how the circumstances surrounding your life will lead to a beautiful outcome.  Yet because of grace, His well chosen, meticulous work has purpose to create in us something we can see as it unfolds daily.  Yet the Creator has a big picture in mind and knows the steps exactly on how to achieve His final creation.  As the verse mentions, the thing He is making inside you is new life.  Growing, changing, fresh, renewed, purified life.

If today the circumstances surrounding your life leave you without hope, don't forget that each day this grace is available to you and will bring you a step closer to the work He is unfolding.  The beauty will come if you wait on Him.


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