Friendship with God

“I’ve told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do the things I command you. I’m no longer calling you servants because servants don’t understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I’ve named you friends because I’ve let you in on everything I’ve heard from the Father.    John 15:11-15 MSG

Today is Valentine's Day.  Being an elementary school teacher, it is common in my world that the emphasis is on love expressed through friendship and not romance.  Reading the above verse this morning reminded me about the friendship we have with God.  Here are some things I notice in regards to how this friendship with God works:

  • He wants joy to come out of a friendship with Him.  This joy comes from growing as a person into your full potential because you spend time with Him
  • He expects the love you share is so healthy and full that it will come out into your other relationships.
  • The best way to love is to be sacrificial, so He treats us that way. 
  • Friendship with God is different others in that we show our friendship in obedience.  Yet our obedience is not blind, we are friends in the sense that we know what he's thinking, planning, and doing, so we can partner with Him and be excited on what He is doing.  We don't miss out on anything the God-head talks about. 
Today might be a day you dread because you are alone or maybe your spouse doesn't honor the holiday in the way you wish they would.  Remember that despite all these things you have a friendship with God that adds more to your life everyday than flowers and chocolates! 


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