An Interruptable Life

Put God in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place.  Proverbs 16:3 MSG

When I read this I laughed because moments before reading it I was hoping today's verse (this year instead of reading through the bible I am selecting devotional plans from YouVersion and reading their verse of the day) would give me something to chew on.  Then I read this and was so grateful that God has answered me.  What a reminder of what a personal God He is.  It is probable because the desire to have Him flood my work with His presence and truth today came from His spirit speaking and prepping me for how to walk with Him today.  He is the author and perfector of our faith (Hebrews 12:2); He will bring His work in our lives to pass.

So this one speaks right to the heart because I am a planner.  I fill up our calendar with social events, decide what I'm making in advance before I go grocery shopping--I've even made dinner reservations at restaurants for a trip that is happening 2 months away! With my organized lifestyle it is easy for me to think I know what will happen.

Yesterday at the dentist, my son was getting a cleaning at the same time as me.  I was listening into his conversation during the checkup.  One reason we like this dentist so much is that he has a great sense of humor and makes the kids feel very comfortable.  He asked Ethan how his day was going.  "Great!," Ethan replied.  When asked why, Ethan said, "Because it's exceeded all my expectations."

Often my frustrations in life come when my expectations are not aligned what God has planned for me.  I need to be reminded who is in charge.  Not only that, I need to choose daily to surrender my work to Him willingly.  One because if He is truly Lord of my life He needs to be in charge and two because it will be met with much more success.  This verse says that God's plans are the only ones that come about; wouldn't it then be wise for me to get on board with that.

Years ago when we were planning to build the house we live in, the one whose completion inspired me to write this blog as an act of gratitude to what God did and would do (the name comes from there as well), I was sitting in an office with the salesman and a plaque he had on the wall caught my eye.  It said something to the effect of interruptions are my work.  

To be interrupted is a noble thing; to have your plans interrupted by God is a holy thing...

Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit:--yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring...Instead you ought to say "If the Lord wills, we will do this or that."  James 4:13;15


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