
Hi blog readers,

Thanks for hanging in there throughout our study of Hebrews.

For the rest of this calendar year, I will be reading through the entire new testament and sharing excerpts from my "spiritual journal" with you on-line.  This journal is basically the words that God's spirit speaks specifically to me as I meet with Him in the morning.  I will share the verses with you as well as some of my thoughts.  If I feel God's spirit says something to me personally, I italicize those parts so as I look back I can differentiate His voice to my own ponderings.  Hope that helps you interpret what I'm sharing with you.

He has lately been leading me into a season of listening to Him and these words jumped off the page to me.  I hope that you are blessed my putting myself out there and He speaks to you as well.  As always, feel free to comment or we can interact personally.  If you share your email I'll contact you!


Matt 13:12
But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.

Luke 8:15
cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.

Luke 8:18
“So pay attention to how you hear. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what they think they understand will be taken away from them.”

Mark 4:34
but afterward, when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them.

  • If you don't listen, you will lose the understanding you have
  • pay attention to how you hear
  • Cling to my word
  • patiently wait 
  • You will produce a huge harvest
  • if you listen, more understanding will be given
  • I myself will explain everything to you.  
When is clinging a necessity?  When there is a force that is dragging you away, pulling you...temptation.  Or a storm that is raging around you causing you to lose your grip.  I need to then cling to the truth of God's promises.  

All we need to do is listen and he will give us understanding.  Listening is hard; we live in a world of constant talking.  Listening requires a quiet and still heart in prayer that seeks His very presence for the sake of His glory, not the sake of the knowledge He can give.  


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