Investing for the Master

For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
Matt 25:29

Both people have something.  But what one has must be different that the other, as God decides one gets to keep and one will lose.  Not only that, the person who get's to keep gets more!  

Looking back over the parable, there are two men given different amounts that all make a return.  Interestingly, it is not the amount of the return that pleases the master but that there is a return.  This seems to be what pleases HIm:
  • the servants knew HIs character
  • they knew what they had belonged to the master 
  • they didn't complain about how much they were given
  • the doubled what He gave them
  • a long time went by and they were faithful
He says the same thing to both...His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.' (Matt 25:21, 23) 

Notice how to the one with 5 and the one with 2 they both have little?  What is interesting is when we compare what God has given us to what He has given others, often we may complain that they have more, but neither does in this story.  In fact God says they both have little.  Because to the master, any of his servants is still a servant, what they have does not belong to them, they are intrusted with it and intrusted with much less than He has.  When we look at one another, let us remember that we "all" have little from God; that each servant has only been given that which can prove their faithfulness.  

The one who buried his teasure knew God like the others, but instead of working to please Him, instead he felt fear.  So this knowing of God was knowing about someone and not knowing Him in a connected relationship.  He had fear, but not a revential fear that leads to adoration, respect, and love, that motivates to please but pushes away.  

Will you be a have or a have not?  Will you invest in an abundant relationship with your Master or will the little you have now be gone because it was not investing in eternity? 

For me, as I read this I was reminded about the investment God wants me to make in my husband, my children, and in the people He wants me to pour my life into for the sake of HIs kingdom.  And He has been so kind to me; in looking at my blessings, I am the servant given 5 talents.  How incredible is it that the word used then for money is the one used now for intangle gifts and abilities.  He has poured into my life riches in people and wants me to use the unique way He fashioned me to make a deposit of love that multiplies out of their hearts as well.  

A have or a have not?  Faithful or fearful?  Will you bury what He has given you are send it out into
 the world, making things grow?  Choose wisely, choose the Master's joy! 


Can't tell how much this word has pleased my soul! Going to read it a few more times; thank you and may the Lord our God bless you richly!
Rayna said…
Thank you for reading! Blessed to be a blessing...blessed to share His good news with you. You are an encouragment to me. And cool profile picture! Are you an artist?

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