Amazed by Unbelief

Mark 6:6 And he was amazed at their unbelief.

Matt 13:58 And so he did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief.

It's interesting that Jesus was amazed by unbelief.  He was also amazed by belief.  Why was He amazed?  Because He didn't understand men?  That can't be it because He said Matthew 9:4 and Luke 9:47 Jesus says he knows their thoughts and hearts.  Maybe it's the kind of amazement that comes with knowledge.  Do you ever know something but just can't believe it?  I can relate to that feeling when it comes to blessings in my house, my dog, my car...these tangible things I've worried and prayed about.  When God comes through and works and gives me special gifts, I know their mine but I just can't believe it.  So where does the wonder of disbelief come from? That moment when you can't believe this is happening.  You know it is real; it isn't a surprise, but you are struck with the absurdity of it? That must be how Jesus felt as He knew men intimately but still couldn't believe that they didn't believe.  He who created and sustained them since the foundation of the world was among them.  He preformed miracles but they just couldn't see it...but instead of doing miracles to build believe, He did only a few there.  It was in His power but He chose not to. 

It seems that there are times when God does miracles despite unbelief yet He desires belief in His people.  In Matt 9:22, the hemorrhaging women was healed instantly because of her belief.  It made her well.  It was Jesus' power and presence but her faith played a part in her healing.  Does that mean that when I don't receive a touch or healing from God I don't have enough faith? In Luke 17:5-6 the apostles ask for faith and Jesus says they don't need more, then just need some.  Some that doesn't doubt.  James 1:6-8 says the key to receiving in faith is not doubting...yet Jesus provides even for our doubt  in Mark 9:23-24 where the man believes yet asks for help in knowing His believe isn't full, isn't unstable like in James.  So know your faith and ask for God to steady it against the waves, seek trust in Him and not the miracle.  That in itself is the miracle.  God calls us to know Him and not what He can do for us...


Jaime said…
Enjoyed these thoughts :) Just letting you know I lurk on occasion! I hadn't really thought before on Jesus' amazement before. I like your assessment!
Rayna said…
I'm always so shocked when I get a comment...sorry I'm bad about responding! Thanks for reading! Internet stalking in a godly way. Now that's a DORK thing to do!

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