John part 18-Sorrow to Joy

Key Verse: I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

(John 16:33 ESV)


Jesus is continuing his final instructions before His betrayal.  This chapter falls into three parts, the benefits of the Holy Spirit, the promise of joy from sorrow, and His promise to speak so they can understand.  Throughout His encouragements to them is the hope in the Spirit and His desire to see that things won’t always be so hard.  No matter where you are at today, may the peace that Jesus gives help you consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us (Romans 8:18).


Read John 16:1-15

·         This part of the chapter has many facts about the Holy Spirit.  Read and list what you learn about the convictions He brings when he comes.  Notice what He (the Holy Spirit) will speak, what He will declare, and who He will glorify. 

·         Why is advantageous to the believer that Jesus goes away?

·         Journal prompt: Jesus says in verse 12, “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.”  How does this verse bear out in our Christian walk?


Read John 16:16-24

·         Why does Jesus explain emotions will change?

·         How does the analogy of childbirth relate to our faith?

·         In verse 23 Jesus says “in that day.”  What day is it referring to? 

·         Journal prompt:  Verse 24 says that when we pray in His name, joy is the result.  This was a concept we studied last week.  Have your prayers changed since then?  Have you experienced joy?


Read John 16:25-33

·         Reread verse 27.  How can you be confident that God loves you?

·         Where is Jesus going after his death?

·         What truth is expressed in this section that can bring peace when trouble comes into your life?



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