John part 20-The God-Man of Suffering

Key Verse:  “…For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world – to bear witness to the truth.  Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”  John 18:37 (ESV)


God, in the form of man, came to earth to speak truth and to make himself known to you.  He also came so that believers would not bear the consequences of our sin and instead would one day live with Him in righteousness.  But in order for that to happen, God – as man – first had to die for us.  John, Jesus’ beloved disciple witnessed Jesus’ death and describes what Jesus endured in chapters 18 and 19.  These are hard chapters to read, but remember that Jesus bore what He did out of love for you.  “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”


Read John 18 and 19


·         How does each character or group listed below interact with Jesus?  What is Jesus’ response to each?


o   Judas

o   Peter

o   High Priest and his officers

o   Pilate

o   The Jews

o   The Chief Priests

o   Soldiers

o   His Mother

o   John

o   Joseph of Arimathea

o   Nicodemus


Journal Prompt:  Think about Jesus’ response to each these individuals.  What does His response say about the character of God? How can you emulate Jesus in your own interactions with others?

-By Callie


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