Wisdomfied part 5-Insight and Ignorance

Prepare your Heart: Read Luke 12:16-20.  Pray about how “foolish” you are.  Do you trust in yourself or in God? Ask Him to teach you about becoming wise in His eyes through this study.

Today’s lesson deals with insight and ignorance.  I think is very hard to have insight into yourself and see yourself clearly.  A year or so ago my Bible Study was studying Romans 12 and the Holy Spirit used verse 3 to show me that I can’t see myself clearly.  For through the grace given to me I say to everyone amoung you not to think more highly of himslef that he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgement, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith.  It has become a regular prayer of mine to see myself as God sees me, and ask Him for the ability to do so.  Like this verse says, I think the more my faith grows, the more I come to understand grace and then am able to see my own sin, knowing He will provide for me in my weakness.

Like last week, read each section of verses and take notes on what you learn.  All references are found in the book of Proverbs

Wisdom and Folly

·         13:14

·         14:24

·         15:24

·         16:22

·         17:12

·         24:7,13,14

Dealing with Fools

·         26:4-11

·         27:22

·         29:9

Discernment and Understanding

·         10:13,23

·         13:15

·         14:6,8,15,33

·         15:21

·         16:16

·         17:24

·         19:8

·         20:5,12


·         10:14

·         13:16

·         14:18

·         15:14

·         18:15

·         19:2

·         20:15

·         21:11

·         23:12

·         24:3,4

So what verses stood out to you?  For me it was the concept of friendship.  That may be odd considering what we are studying.  Here are the two verses that I read that triggered this idea: Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding him like grain with a pestle, you will not remove his folly from him (27:22) and The purposes of man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out (20:5).   As I read those, I thought of how it is impossible to change people.  Not that any of you have friends that act foolish sometimes!  This week I got frustrated with someone I love greatly, and God had to remind me to accept where they are, and that He is the only one who can change them.  This relates to the second verse for me.  We need to accept our friends, and we also need to find companions who can draw out things in us that we can’t see ourselves.  Back to insight and ignorance.  God can use other people to help us see.  And remember, if something about someone else seems foolish to you, be careful you aren’t doing the same thing (Matthew 7:3-5).  Let your faith be one marked with grace for others; be one  who can deal gently with the ignorant and misguided, since you yourself are also beset with weakness (Hebrews 5:2).

For a song to help guide reflection through prayer and journaling  if you also find yourself struggling with speaking into others’ lives about their folly is Only Have One by JJ Heller: http://quietube.com/v.php/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thQQIU


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