Devotion: Come Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus you are
coming quickly! Your reward is with you, and You will give to everyone
according to what he has done. You are
the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Yes, You are coming quickly. Amen.
Come, Lord Jesus! Revelation 22:12-13, 20
As I was praying this morning, God led me to a passage of
Scripture and a thought shamefully I don’t have often.
His returning and His coming. It
struck me that as I interceded for those God has put into my life—those that
know Him and those that don’t, I pray often for earthy things. For circumstances to change, for provision,
for wisdom and grace in this life.
But let us not forget to long for heaven. For an end to the injustice of this
world. With all that we are, to dwell
with Him forever. Seeking His kingdom of
heaven; a place free from pain or need.
Where all relationships are made right.
To be without sin and never struggle and wrestle with its devastating effects. As I was confessing my sin to the Lord today,
I was fascinated by the idea that someday we will have no need to confess. Our nature will be changed—free from
sin! Free from the jealous and petty
thoughts that cross my mind. Free from
sexual perversions. Free from worries
and fears. Free from striving, achieving,
perfectionism. Free from finding my significance
in other things. Free from the idols I
run to for satisfaction. Free from
mistakes and dysfunction in my relationships.
Free from life’s demands on my time.
Free from the heartache I see in other’s that I can’t heal for them.
I hear Martin Luther’s words echo in a part of me this
morning. He preached for an end of
bigotry and racism, to stop the classism and segregation here—but what he was
ultimately seeking was the same as what I seek.
Though he called for it on earth it will be complete in heaven. Like all tyranny we face. Someday in heaven my soul will cry Free at last! Free at Last!
Thanks God, who is always and forever the Almighty! We are free at last!!!
Sisters, dwell on the return of your Savior. Think of the glory of God in heaven. The perfect light in it’s streets, roads that
need no light because He illuminates all things. A perfect body that will never tire or age. Being part of a numberless heavenly choir who
praises forever. Never being hungry,
your soul and body eternally satisified with every good gift. No more goodbyes amoung your Christian
family. A forever celebration of praise
to our Lord! Give yourself to this joy
today. Sing and pray and praise Him who
is our everything! For don’t doubt that
He will come for you. He is coming, He
is coming quickly. Be ready and long for
To live daily with our hearts pointed toward heaven we must
fight to keep it in front of us. Worship
to Your Arrival by Phil Wickham to prepare your heart:
and read Revelation 21-22. I pray that
your souls are stirred today to long for heaven!