Wisdomfied part 2-Wisdom Calls Out

Prepare your Heart:  Read Romans 11:33-36.  Spend some time in prayer praising God for His wisdom.

Today we are going to start in Proverbs but not in chapter one!  Instead turn to chapter 8 and read from verse 1 to 9:6.  When I read this chapter I pictured New York City’s Time Square.

Wisdom calls out to us amidst the clamor of many other sources.  Do you prioritize God’s wisdom above the colophony of enticements meant to tickle your ears?   

As you study, see if you can answer these questions; a list might be the best way to note your answers. 

1.       When was “she” created?  (In the book of Proverbs wisdom is a personification, reference back to the study introduction where literary forms are explained). 

2.       Where does wisdom dwell?

3.       Who are wisdom’s companions?

4.       What earthly things pale in comparison to wisdom?

5.       How are those who apply wisdom blessed?

Now let’s cross reference some key concepts from this chapter with other books of the bible. 

6.        Read John 1:1-5 and Genesis chapter 1.  What do these books tell you about wisdom’s place in the creative order?  Where do you see it as an attribute of God?

7.       Proverbs 8:2 describes wisdom as calling from the heights, the crossroads, and the gates.  What does the use of symbolism tell us about the times in life wisdom calls to us and the advantage it has for us who heed it?  Read Jeremiah 6:16 and Proverbs 1:20-23 for more inspiration.

8.       In verse 13 of chapter 8, Solomon says that The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil.  The Hebrew word for fear (yir’ah) implies reverence, respect, and piety.  Those covered with Christ should never need to fear approaching the thrown of grace with confidence…we find help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).  This fear is one like Isaiah felt in chapter 6 when he through the Spirit saw the LORD of hosts on His throne.  It is a holy reverence; his power is so great He even controls the reign and rule of kings.  Read 1 Samuel 12:14-15 and Job 28:28.  What more do you learn about the fear of the Lord that parallels verses 12-17 in chapter 8?

9.        In Proverbs 9:1-6, we see wisdom offer her knowledge like morsels of choice food and prepare a banquet for all who will come.  Read Isaiah 25:6-8 and Matthew 22:1-14.  How do these passages relate to wisdom and the ultimate application of it?

In the section titled “Prepare Your Heart,” I prompted you to spend time praising God for His wisdom in your life.  In your experience, has following God’s instructions ever paid off in a way that was beyond earthly treasure?  Have you been blessed by following God’s wisdom and not your own way? If not, there may be areas of your life where you don’t go to God and seek His way.  Proverbs 14:12 says There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. As you close your time with God today, pray about what areas of your mind still hold out from following His wisdom.  Or do you realize that you really don’t know what His wisdom is?  Hopefully by the end of this study you will be able to find peace and confidence in both areas. 



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