Wisdomfied part 3-As They Grow

Prepare Your Heart: Read Deuteronomy 11:18-21.  Pray about your desire as a parent for your children to know the Lord and His word. 

So it happened!  Last night was the end of a very long week.  I had been up since 7 a.m. working around the house, moping, laundry, etc.  It was my first week back to teaching and the house needed some serious TLC.  Like most days when I try to fit in too much, I reached the point of exhaustion.  My mind was filled with anxiety.  Thoughts started to cross my mind about my business and  need to cut something out of my schedule.  Of course the things that came to my mind were all ministry related, including not teaching through this blog anymore.  Now I should have seen this right away as an attack from the enemy; he exploited my circumstances to catch me busy at my tasks and not in communion with God.  Then the Spirit answers with the Word, from a passage in Proverbs chapter 8 we studied last week.  I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion…counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power.  In that moment when those verses came to mind, I realized I should never make decisions about God’s work for me when I was filled with stress and worry.  For His is a spirit of peace.  I was able to have discernment that those thoughts were not of Him as the book of Proverbs is starting to sink in to my heart.  I hope through your study of it you can experience the Word’s refining nature in your life. 

In part 3 we are going to reflect on our desire as mothers to give our kids the Lord’s wisdom.  During fall, many preparations are made for our children’s growth and achievement.   We prioritize shopping for new clothes, supplies for academic instruction, and yet how much time to we spend preparing their hearts for the wisdom of the Lord?

Read Proverbs 2:1-11, 3:13-24, and 4:1-27.  As you read, look for these things and take notes:

1.        What synonyms  in these passages are other names for wisdom?

2.       What types of people and situations will wisdom protect our children from?

3.       What things does living with wisdom convey that you would like to see in your children’s life?

I’ve read these passages before, but in reading them through the eyes of a parent and realizing the benefits for my children-- it was somewhat overwhelming!  What parent wouldn’t want their kids to have a long life contained with physical health, a good marriage, financial stability, a safe and stable home, victory in trials, a clear path…to name a few that were shared in these chapters. 

If you look closely at these verses, there are things we can do as parents to help our children acquire wisdom.  Read chapter 4:1-17 again and look for things that you can do as parents to help prepare your children. 

So what did you find?  I found 5 things to help guide my parenting:

·         Verse 1,2, 20-we must give our children instruction in the faith and confirm they are understanding it

·         Verse 7-to parent our children with wisdom, they might have to give up something, following the Lord in our parenting sometimes costs us pleasures

·         Verse 11, 23- make the paths and way of the lord clear for your children, don’t let them be confused if it depends on you

·         Verse 21-children should memorize scripture and have it in their hearts

·         Verse 25, 27-they need to have space in their life to be focused on God, is there schedule too busy to allow time with Him?

So here is the big question to answer before finishing this study, in the above list, are these things present in your life first? Are you seeking the scriptures and learning?  Is there anything you need to give up to be more focused on God?  Is your path to the Lord clear or are you distracted by many things?  Are you spending enough time in God’s word that the Spirit brings scripture to mind in times of need?  Is there room in your schedule for God?

For us to know how to guide our children in this way, we must first create these habits in our own life. 

Praying for Jesus to ignite a passion in their hearts for Him as they grow,



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