Spring Break

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. For it is only right for me to feel this way about you all, because I have you in my heart... you all are partakers of grace with me.  Philippians 1:3-7

Ladies!  Just wanted to let you know that my family is off to many adventures during Spring Break and I will be taking off the week from posting any new studies.  I will be back at it the second week of April.  And hopefully you will be back with me!  I posted Paul’s words above because it really describes how I feel about you-my partners in grace, spreading grace and being grace to a hurting world that needs His love so desperately. 

If you are also off to any special time with friends and family, I wish you the many memories of peace and joy with your loved ones. 

I would like to make two requests of you.  One, please vote on the poll.  It is on this site to the left of this post.  It is totally anonymous, no sign up required!  We only have about two weeks left in our current study of the Holy Spirit before we move on to something new.  In order to be best prepared and tailor everything to your interests, after you vote please comment with more specifics.  For example, if you vote for “Book of the Bible,” please comment below on which book you’d like to study.  Same for any of the other categories!  If you don’t, you’re stuck with what I want to do…he he…I’m kind of cracking up here because when I put “Women’s Interests” as a choice, I then realized I don’t know what that is specifically!  This women is interested in just about everything. 

Also, if you would be so kind I would love for you to share my site with a friend.  This can be as simple as posting a link to your Facebook page or emailing someone you’ve been wanting to reach out to.  As I’ve prayed about this blog and the plans God has for me through it, I’m eager to see it grow and touch more women.  Plus putting a link to this site on your social networking page can just be a simple way to witness that you are a believer.  There may be someone who will check this out through the link and start learning about Christ who has never heard the good news before!

Doing it and hearing from all of you is an encouragement. 

Blessed to be a blessing (thanks Christie),


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