
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  Philipians 4:11-12 (NIV)
I’m pretty much in domestic bliss right now.  Spent the morning in peace and puttering.  After sorting some laundry, I noticed the bananas on the counter had ripened to a brown hue and just needed to be made into muffins.  I have Future of Forestry on shuffle on my iPhone am having the debate over if I should exercise and not excersizing is winning…it’s a great place to be, home.
Contrast that with how I spent the last two days.  Canceled flights, airport food, waiting on standby, trying to find out how to get to the hotel at midnight with a sleeping four-year old and too many bags to carry.  The theme was hurry up and wait.  All the time with a poignant yearning for home.
I love this verse in Philippians because Paul is describing the me I always want to be: content.  This weekend was a real test for me.  There were times that I was victorious, and times that I failed. 
God also gave me the blessing of a small window to see His Grace in my life.  We were hopeful to get home Friday night, and took a chance on waiting on a flight standby, as we were already at the airport and it was only another hour or so.  Many other people had that same idea, so needless to say we didn’t get on the plane.  It was almost a comedy of errors.  The flight got delayed as the pilot’s seat wouldn’t recline and had to be replaced.  We had already waited so long…what’s another 30 minutes?  At the end of this ordeal many people lined up to speak with customer service about what they were owed, and what they deserved.  Being so exhausted, we decided to give up for the night and catch our scheduled rebooking the next day, though it would put us home 24 hours later than our original itinerary.  Outside the terminal waiting for the hotel shuttle, I saw one of the women in line from the gate.  She recognized me. She started to gripe, while smoking her cigarette and blowing the smoke in her 2 year-old’s face about how the airline owed her, and she had big plans to call them up the next day and get what she deserved.  Instead of being disgusted by her, I was instantly humbled at her attitude: entitlement.  For in my heart I had had the same thoughts and desires.  Though mine may not always show, God sees and knows…and this is grace, He still loves me completely forever and without end! 
Don’t forget that this real yearning for home, this desire for eternity He has put in our hearts will only be completely satisfied when He takes us home (Ecclesiastes 3:11 and John 14:1-3)
So while I am here wandering, Paul exhorts me to learn this secret of contentedness.  In every situation it is available as we abide with the One who loves without condition.  Spend some time today journaling about your true level of contentment.  Prepare your heart by listening to one of my favorite singer/songwriters JJ Heller, Back Home  Here are some questions and verses to consider:
1.       When you think of home, what images, smells, memories come to mind? When the times you have planned to be comfortable don’t happen the way you hope, how do you react?
2.      When are you most uncomfortable?  Have you ever found contentment through your relationship with Christ at this time?  Read these verses and journal about how to build up that quality in your life: 1 Timothy 6: 6-10, 2 Corinthians 9:8-15, Hebrews 13:5-6. 
3.      Paul says in our verse today in Philippians that he “has learned” to be content.  Often when we need to learn something we are given many opportunities to practice!  I’ll admit that sometimes I don’t want to pray to be changed because I know my God will answer those prayers by allowing situations to show me where I lack.  Think of a situation lately where you have failed or passed the test of contentment.  Write about what helped or didn’t.   Pray and ask God to help you in times where you are tested and show you practical ways to stand in times of testing.
4.      One thing that helped me get through this weekend with a God-directed heart was gratitude.  Instead of complaining, I tried to see the things to be thankful of inspite of my circumstances.  Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for in an area you are discontent in.  Chronicle the ways that God has blessed you and thank Him for them.  When you are tempted to be discontent, bring this list to mind and see if it protects your attitude. 


MJ said…
Interesting how my list of reasons to be grateful led me to a different area of my life that I find discontentment. So I continued with how I felt about that and it brought me back around to see how if I find more contentment with the second area and keep it my focus then the first area of discontentment would not matter as much. Hope that is not too confusing. Sometimes it is about really focusing on what really matters the most!
Rayna said…
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Many times for me I start out studying one thing, and it leads me to another and then I discover that God used the original direction to lead me to the deeper and more relevant thing He wants me to know and see. However you get there, the point is that you get there.

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