The Holy Spirit part 10-Gifts of the Spirit

Prayer Prompt: Lord, show me the special gifts You have given me, to show the world Your love.
Read: 1 Corinthians 12
Introduction:  I don’t look forward to birthdays and mine is coming up soon.  Sure, I’m getting older, but that’s not really why I dislike them.  I don’t like the attention.  Those of you who know me may laugh at that but I tend to get uncomfortable with being spoiled.  Now put me in a discussion group or in front of a classroom and I’ll talk constantly!  Then there is the matter of gifts.  Have you ever received one that wasn’t quite right?  You love the person and don’t want to hurt their feelings.  You appreciate it but it doesn’t quite fit.  Maybe it’s a gift from a co-worker and they don’t know you well enough to pick out the perfect gift?  What do we say?  What do we do with it?  Well, sorry I can’t answer those questions (and if you can please let me know the right etiquette)  but I have better news for you.  You have been given the perfect gift.  One that was made only for you.  It is what you’ve always wanted.  It will satisfy you like nothing else ever has.  You will always find it relevant and useful.  It fits just right and will never wear out, break, need to be returned, or get lost.  But before you receive this one-of-a-kind gift you have to unwrap it.  The Giver is God.  Through His Spirit He has given you unspeakable joy in serving others in the unique way He has made you. 
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
      and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
      Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
      as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born.
      Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
   Every moment was laid out
      before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:13-16 (NLT).

So press on and into this passage.  The gift is waiting and it’s not wrapped in duct tape.  God wants you to get it open.  You might have to search a little to find it though…
·         What are the three varieties of gifts?
·         Why are people given spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit?
·         List all the gifts you can find in this chapter.  Read Romans 12: 6-8 for a greater list. 
·         What analogy does Paul use to show the value God places on the equality of gifts and unity among believers?  What more do you learn from these verses: Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:11-13, Colossians 1:18, 2:19, Romans 5:4-8. 
What Does it Mean to Me:
·         One of the varieties of gifts are effects or enegema in the original language.  You version may say operations, activities, ways or workings.  The nuances of this word explain that God uses each of us different and to a differing degree or scope.  You may have the same spiritual gift as another person, yet God has a specific way for you to use that gift that is unique to you.  Do you ever compare the spiritual gift you have and its effectiveness to another’s ministry?  According to this passage, should you? 
·         As you’ve learned from reading chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians, gifts are given for the common good.  Read Romans 12 again, verses 4-8 this time, along with Ephesians 4:15-16 and think about the body analogy.  How does God through His word say we are to preform our gifts?  Should you serve in an area that isn’t your gift? 
·         Now the last question was in some ways a trick question.  Sometimes there are things that just need to get done and we need to help.  For example, my husband is a worship leader at our church and many times I go in early during set up so we can take only one vehicle.  When I’m there early I help set up chairs as we attend a church that doesn’t have its own building yet.  I wouldn’t say my spiritual gift is setting up chairs, but it needs to be done…yet at the same time, you should know what your spiritual gift is so you can seek out ways to be using it.  As you’ve learned, this will make the body function as it was intended too.  So the big question is, do you know who your spiritual gift is?  How do you find out?  Here are some recommendation to get you started in discovering your gift if you’ve never considered that you have one:
1.       Get a book or listen to sermons about spiritual gifts and how to determine what yours is.  Be cautious here as there are many teachings in this area that don’t always follow scripture (we will learn more about false teachers next week).  Whatever material you select, check everything against scripture…maybe ask a mature believer you trust of any materials they may recommend.  You pastor would be a good one to ask.  This past summer I completed a DVD series by Chip Ingrim called Devine Design which helped me hone in on my spiritual gift.  Here is a link to those resources: You can buy single audio messages without the DVD’s for $1.99.  Chip also has a free podcast which you may be able to search for this series on iTunes. 
2.       Ask friends what you are good at, how they see you contribute to the body. 
3.       Cross off the list you made in studying of gifts in this study and cross of what you know you aren’t good at to narrow it down.
4.       Think about your past activities and experiences?  This many not be service that is exclusive to the church.  Which things have you been passionate and excited about.  What gives you the most joy?
5.       And as always, and this should have been first, pray about it, seek and wait.  If you need wisdom, God promises in His word that He will give it to you!  James 1:5
Live it Out:  I think the application here may be pretty obvious.  Find out your spiritual gift and put it into practice.  No need to do a big thing, but something.  God has prepared work through His Spirit that only you can do!  Ephesians 2:10  Don’t miss out on the joy that can be yours by serving. 
Meditation: Write down a verse or truth God has shown you today through this study.  Put it somewhere you will see it often and remember His personal, life-giving word for you. 


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