The Holy Spirit part 12- Unity Among Believers

Prayer Prompt: Lord help me to be united with Your people, bonded together by one Spirit to corporately worship one God through one faith.
Read: Ephesians 4
Introduction: Last week the focus of our study was walking with the Spirit.  This chapter of Ephesians gives us more practical ways to show this by instructions to live “as one” with other Christians.  It also says if we don’t live that way, the Holy Spirit can be grieved…have you ever felt that?  Psalm 30:4 says For day and night You hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer; Selah [stop and think]. In this chapter we learn that through the Spirit all who believe in God through Christ can have unity and that our aim should be to preserve that bond with diligence.  This means you must intentionally guard and protect it.  Our enemy seeks to isolate and devour us (1 Peter 5:8).  It is much easier for Him to mislead one who is standing alone. 
·         List the 5 commands in verse 2-3 about how to walk.  Also list the “do not’s” in verses 17-19.  Which verses in Galatians 5 from last week confirm the commands given in this chapter?
·         There are many “ones” listed in verses 4-6.  What things are given us to preserve the Christian unity because we all share them the same?
·         This chapter has many contrasts between the old life and the new life- the old life being described as full of lust and deceit (v.22) while the new life is being made in the image of God (v. 24).  Sandwiched between these descriptions, verse 23 says you must be renewed in the Spirit of your mind, as this must be an agent of change, a way to put on the new man.  Read Romans 12:3, Colossians 3:10, and Titus 3:37 and record what you learn about renewal.
·         Verses 25-32 gives instructions on how to interact with other believers.  Make a list of all you find.
What Does it Mean to Me:
·         Galatians 5 and Ephesians 4 have many similar instructions of how we are to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  While Galatians focuses on the God-man relationship, I think Ephesians describes the you-others relationship.  Verse 2 tells us to have tolerance for one another in love (NASV).  Your version might say forbearing, making allowance, or bearing with.  Loving others is a choice, not a feeling often times.  Journal about a time you have had to tolerate another believer.  When has one had to tolerate you? Here are some references to help you reflect on this topic: Colossians 3:12-15, 1 Peter 3:8-9, 2 Corinthians 2:5-1, Galatians 6:2, and 1 Corinthians 8:9-13.
·         When we study what Scripture says about the mind, we saw how important it is to have time in the Word to change our thinking, as our daily default is selfishness.  What habits are part of your day that brings renewal?  If you don’t have any, think of something you can do to allow God’s Spirit to work and refresh.
Live it Out: This chapter had many commands about loving others.  Often when commands occur, the Spirit brings conviction as well.  Is there a relationship in your life that needs to change?  What can you do following the words of Scripture to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to maintain unity among believers?  Prayerfully consider this as you ask God about your actions toward others.  Another application may be your state of fellowship.  By doing a study on-line, my goal was to provide women with a way to have meaningful and enriching time with God, not replace time with other believers.  Though I do this study for us, I also meet weekly with a group of believers for worship, fellowship and prayer.  If you do not have such a group in your life, seek one out.  Look to your church for a group to get plugged into.  If there isn’t one, maybe God is calling you to start one!  Even finding one friend to discuss the Bible with and pray for is a huge component in growth.  Our life of faith is lived with God and with other’s who seek Him. 
Meditation: Write down a verse or truth God has shown you today through this study.  Put it somewhere you will see it often and remember His personal, life-giving word for you. 


MJ said…
This statement you made --- rings home with me...this is so true!
"When we study what Scripture says about the mind, we saw how important it is to have time in the Word to change our thinking, as our daily default is selfishness." More understanding of the idea that we become what we surround ourselves with.
MJ said…
Why does it take us so long to understand what our parents have tried to tell us from the beginning? I suppose just in time to start sharing with our own children!

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