Hebrews 11:8-22

Key Verse: But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city. Hebrews 11:16

Read Genesis 12:1-9 and summarize God's call to Abraham.  Now look carefully at verse 3.  Why did God want to bless Abraham?  Read Galatians 3:7-9.  How did his blessing benefit us?  How is he calling you to bless others by what you've received? 

Verse 8 says that when Abraham was called he didn't know where he was going?  Have you ever experienced a calling from God where you didn't know where it would end up? 

Hebrews 11:9-10 contrast two types of dwellings.  Where did Abraham live?  Where did he want to live?  Now read 2 Cor 4:16-5:8.  How does Paul express the same desires as Abraham?  What do Paul and Abraham focus on to help them walk by faith?  Does that work for you? 

Read verse 17 carefully.  What promise did Abraham get fulfilled on earth (See Gen 15:4-5; 21:12)? After he received it what did God ask him to do (Gen 22:1-10)? Has God every fulfilled a promise to you that He asked you to then give back to Him? 

In this passage Abraham showed his faith by action.  What are the things he did to show His faith?  Now read James 2:21-26 and Romans 4:16-25.  How do works and faith interact if we are saved by faith alone? 

Read verse 11.  What was the circumstance in Sarah's life that would give most people reason to give up hope? Why did she receive power to conceive?  Read more about her faith journey in Gen 16:1-2, 18:11-15, and Gen 21:2-7. Does she come across as faithful?  Why or why not?

The promise:
Verse 13 says that all these died without receiving the promise, although they saw that it was true.  While reading this section as a whole, what do you think the promise is? How is it described?  Is there a promise from God in your life that you can see ahead of you that hasn't come to fruition yet?

Verses 13-15 describe the understanding people of faith have that earth in its current state under the fall is not their home.  As a Christian, trying to make this place home is a way of living that chokes out the spiritual life (Mark 4:19).  In what ways is living for now destroying your life of faith?

The people of faith described themselves as strangers and exiles.  In a culture, a stranger never fits in and lives quite differently than those around them.  An exile, is a temporary resident somewhere, never putting down roots because it's not really their home.  How do these descriptions apply to how Christians are to live on earth? Read Psalm 27:4, John 14:23, Luke 18:28-30, Rom 8:13, and Rom 12:13-18 to learn more about how to live as a stranger.  

Ending well: 

Look at verses 11:20-22.  What did all of these men have in common based on the text?  How do their actions reveal what their faith was in?  If you knew you were dying, what would you have faith in? 


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