Hebrews 11:32-40

Key Verse: And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God has provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.  Hebrews 11:39-40

In verse 32 the author of Hebrews mentions 6 men by name.  Pick at least two and read about their life.  As you read,  note:
What actions did call God call them to do?
What faith was required on their part to obey?
Gideon - Judges 6:11-8:35
Barak - Judges 4:1-5:31
Samson - Judges 13:1-16:31
Jephthah - Judges 11:1-12:7
*David - 1 Samuel 17 
*Samuel - 1 Samuel 3

*many stories of faith are recorded about David and Samuel.  These two passages are suggested for study but feel free to read about them in other parts of the Bible.  

The end of verse 32 mentions "the prophets" and the following 6 verses describe the sufferings they went through in their obedience to God through faith.  What things in this list still happen today to people of faith?  Which ones would be hardest for you to bear? Why is the world not worthy of them? For further study, try cross referencing these verses and read about the men who suffered what the author is summarizing  here.  

Faith in its pinnacle has the courage to conquer in the face of any struggle. How does that quote describe the people and what they faced as outlined in verses 33-38?  How does it align with how faith is defined in verse 1 and 6 of chapter 11?  In your own life, how has faith helped you to conquer personal struggles? 

Verse 34 mentions that a result of faith is strength out of weakness.  Though this can describe the physical strength of Samson or an Israelite victory over enemies with the greater army, it can also define our spiritual renewal in the face of trial.  How does God strengthen you when you are weak in regard to worldly circumstances?

Which other verses in this chapter does verse 39 correlate with?  What two concepts are found in this verse that highlight two truths from Hebrews chapter 11 about the life of faith? 

Verse 40 describes God's method of making us "perfect."  This word does not mean free from error but to complete, bring to an end, and accomplish.  What has God provided that is better for us and the people of faith?  Review what we've learned in Hebrews 7:11,19, and 10:14.  Have you personally received what God has promised, access to God through the new and living way of Jesus? 

Based on your study this week, can Christians expect suffering in life? Are you still willing to follow Him? What hope do you receive from this section that motivates you to keep trusting in Him? 


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