Week 4: Philippians Chapter 3 – The Ultimate Prize
How would you answer if you were asked, “what is the most
important thing in your life?” Would you
say your family, your job, your house?
Would you say Christ? Would you
be willing to let go of each of those things in the first list for Him? Paul was the utmost Jew. He came from a prominent family. He followed all of the laws. He had a zeal and righteousness for his
religion that matched few individuals.
Yet, when called by God, he left everything for Him. He counted his former life as a loss simply
for the prize of knowing Christ. Could
you say the same?
-By Callie
Key Verses: “But
whatever things were gain to me those things I have counted as loss for the
sake of Christ. More than that I count
all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus
my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but
rubbish so that I may gain Christ.”
Philippians 3:7-8
Read Philippians Chapter 3 each day
Make a list of things in your background that
form your identity. These can be your
heritage, your ethnicity, your upbringing – anything that contributed to who
you are.
Make a list of people or things that are
important to you.
Make a list of things that you desire for
What did you learn about Paul’s background? (see
vv 4-6)
What do you learn about his heart for God? (see vv 8-14)
What does Paul want for the Philippians (and
you)? (see v. 15-21)
Compare your list to those that you made about Paul from
Philippians Chapter 3. How do they
Journal Prompt: Take
a prayerful look at your personal lists.
Ask God if any of those things get in the way of being who God wants you
to be or living the way that God wants you to live.