Colossians part 2- The Revealed Mystery of Wisdom in Christ

Have you ever taken an on-line class?  For my teaching credentials I’ve had to take several.  In some ways I think of this letter to the church at Colossae as distance learning; this church had never met Paul face to face, he has a big charge-to teach them how to guard themselves about false teachers.  Just like we put faith in the credentials of an institution of learning, this church had to rely on the truth of Paul’s message through their relationship with Epaphras.  The message Paul sends them, as he has heard of the lies the enemy has tried to put into their new faith, are still in need of guarding against today.  As the chapter opens, we see again that the way of God are mysterious.  Only knowing God’s word through the Bible can we discern what is true in what people tell us. 



Key verse: Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.  Colossians 2:6-7 (ESV)



This week’s study is focused on chapter 2 of Colossians, but we will need to review some of one for our first section (remember the chapter and verses of the bible were added to aid study after they were written and not part of the original manuscripts).  In this case the chapter division breaks up a continuous thought, so rereading is helpful to gain a clear context of Paul’s thought.


The Mystery


Read Colossians 1:24-29; 2: 1-3; 4:1-4.  What is the mystery that Paul is describing?  Now look up some cross references in Ephesians 1:9-10 and 3:3-10.  Though God chose to hide this truth for a time, it is now revealed. 


Journal prompt:  In this section of scripture, you studied the mystery of Christ but also saw the heart of Paul’s desire for the church.  It is God’s desire also for you! As you study this section, is there anything that you feel God is calling you to grow in?


The Truth of Christ


As we saw last week in chapter one, Paul was teaching a lot about Christ.  This teaching continues as one of the purposes of Paul’s letter was to firm up what they believed as he hadn’t gotten to preach and establish this church.  Read Colossians 2:6-15 and make a list of what you learn about Christ (who He is, what He has done for you).  Now look up Isaiah 11:1-3 and 2 Peter 1:3-4.  Verse 8 in this section warns that men will come and try and take you captive in lies (we will study this more next) but Colossians chapter 2 teaches that Christ has all wisdom and we should be established in Him (v. 3, 6).  Using the cross references and any verses in Colossians, write what you notice about on the wisdom of Christ.


Journal Prompt: Wisdom seems to be in short supply these days.  Though as we learned in Job, suffering is not always the result of sin, many people do experience pain and strife based on choices they make.  As a parent, it is important to be wise not only for your own good but to teach them how to live based on following God.  What is the last lesson God has taught you?  How has it changed the way you live?  Can you share it with others?  Is there an area of life you need wisdom?  What things does this passage and its references teach us about how to gain wisdom for life. 


How to Stay “Qualified”


Now we will turn to the false teachers and see what so far Paul has been preaching truth to combat.  Read verses 16-23 of chapter 2 in Colossians.  As you read, list the things that the false teachers were telling the Colossians they needed to do to be saved.  What logic does Paul use against them.  Now read Hebrews 10:1-18.  This passage may be hard reading, but it gives good detail on more arguments from Scripture about why the false teachers (who were Jewish) were bothered by the gospel. 


Journal prompt: This section describes how those who are not connected to Christ can be easily led astray by the “appearance of wisdom” (v. 19, 23).  Have you ever been led astray by a false teacher or been afraid to believe because you weren’t sure what truth was? How has your study of wisdom this week helped you overcome that experience/fear?




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