Philippians part 3-Our Attitude: Servant or Selfish?

This week brings us to an uncomfortable place for many, our attitude.  It is so easy to see the faults in how others act and painful to look at ourselves.  Though it may smart a little, scripture is God’s loving way to show us who we really our and how He wants us to become more like Christ.  By studying the attitude of Jesus and other godly men known to the Philippian church, He can shave off our rough edges and gives us a heart that most reflects His.


Key Verse: Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3


Philippians chapter 2

Our attitude:

1.       What instructions to the Philippians are found in this chapter?  Who does Paul say to look to as their example?


2.      What is Christ’s attitude like?  What was the result of Jesus humbling Himself?


Journal Prompt: Take these instructions to heart; God is calling you to live in this same way.  Which instructions to the church do you feel is lacking in your own life?  How can you make changes to have an attitude that pleases the Lord? How can you practically live this out in your daily life?

Our example:

3.      What other men are spoken of in the chapter?  Do they embody Christ’s attitude? Does Paul?


Journal Prompt: Who do you know that models a servant’s heart?  What things about them do you want to be more like?  What a blessing would it be for you to tell that person!  Think of the encouragement in would for to them to hear how they minister to you.  Consider letting them know you thought of them in this way this week. 


4.       Verse 12 says to work out our salvation with “fear and trembling.”  Does that mean God wants us to be afraid of Him? Consider that the word fear can also be translated “reverence for one’s husband.”  Trembling can mean “used to describe the anxiety of one who distrusts his ability to completely meet all requirements, but does his utmost to fulfill his duty.”  How do those definitions put that verse in context for you?

Our motivation:

5.      In verse 16 Paul uses the phrase “the day of Christ.”  This phrase is also found in verses 6 and 10 of chapter 1.  What is the day of Christ?  Read these references and come up with an answer:  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54; 2 Corinthians 5:10; and Romans 14:10-12.


Journal Prompt: Why does Paul keep encouraging the church to continue in the faith until Christ returns? I think it is because life is hard and suffering awaits them (Phil 1:29) and us as we live in a world that is increasingly hostile to our values.  Have you ever stopped actively seeking God in your life?  What were the circumstances around that season?  What brought you back?  What habits can you do today that will encourage you to keep trusting in and seeking God?




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