Job part 5-Repent
This week we read Zophar’s perspective on Job’s suffering. Like the others, Zophar tells him to repent
of his hidden sin so that he can be saved from his suffering. Like the others, Zophar fundamentally
misunderstands what repentance means and what it does for us. True repentance (Gr. “Metanoia”) means a
change of mind and purpose and life. It
can mean forsaking sin (Ezekiel 14:6), confessing sin (Luke 15:17-19), and
sometimes making restitution for our sin (Luke 19:8). But, contrary to what Zophar tells Job,
repentance of sin will not end suffering.
It will, however, draw us closer to God and allow us to have a full
relationship with Him.
Key Verse: “Though He slay me, I will hope in Him.” Job 13:15a
Read Job 11-14
Make a chart comparing Zophar’s accusations and
Job’s response.
Where is Zophar speaking the truth? Where is he not?
What does Job say about his relationship with
Journal Prompt: If
you were counseling someone who was suffering, what approach would you
take? How would you make sure it was
godly counsel?