Job part 3-Is it True According to God's Word

A friend’s counsel and comfort can be much needed during times of trial.  Someone who has gone through similar circumstances can help sustain us with support and wisdom.  However, everyone is shaped by their experiences.  Experiences affect our perception on life and influence how we react to certain circumstances.  But our perceptions aren’t always true and our reactions aren’t always right.  Therefore, while we can accept a friend’s counsel, comfort and support, we must always measure it by what is true -  God’s Holy Word.  For only God’s Word can provide us with infallible truth every time.


This week we begin reading the first of several conversations between Job and his friends regarding each of their accounts of why Job was facing such calamity.  As you read Eliphaz’s explanation for Job’s suffering, compare it with (1) what you know from reading chapters 1 and 2; and (2) what you know about God’s character.  Ask yourself:  Is Eliphaz’s explanation true according to God’s Word?


Key Verse:  “Behold, how happy is the man whom God reproves, So do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.” Job 5:17



Read Job Chapter 3

-          How does Job react to his suffering?

-          What is his main question?

-          Would yours be the same?


Read Job Chapters 4 and 5

            -What does Eliphaz say is the cause of Job’s suffering?

            - Why did he believe that?

            -Do you think any of his points are correct?  Why or why not?


Read Job Chapters 6 and 7

            -What is Job’s response to Eliphaz?


Read Job 42:7

            -What is God’s response to Eliphaz?


Journal Prompt:  What does it mean to you to be disciplined by God?  What area in your life do you think he is working on now?



Anonymous said…
I find that the Lord is showing me that I have much more fear of the future, than I realized. My husband's health is deteriorating, and without the Lord's healing, will continue. I think I'm trusting the Lord, but then something will happen and I sense fear in my heart. The Lord is working on my faith and trust in Him; He is sufficient for all our needs.

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