John part 16-God's Plan

Key Verse: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

(John 14:15-17 ESV)


In John 12:32-33, Jesus explained He knew His hour, for He knew when and how He would die.  In John 2:4, 7:30, and 8:20 among others, we see that though Jesus was asked to do miracles and people were conspiring to control His ministry, His hour had not yet come so they were powerless; this same hour is recorded in 13:31 as the hour that has finally come for God to be glorified. 


How is God glorified? God has a plan for Jesus, a mission for Him on earth.  Just as He came into Jerusalem on a donkey, signifying peace, God’s plan in this hour is that Jesus will usher in ultimate peace.  Not a peace on earth, though that is to come when Jesus returns for us (1Thess 4:14-18), but spiritual peace between men and God, as the angles said at His birth “peace and goodwill towards all people.”


In chapter 13 we catch the beginning of His final words to His disciples and the intentional sharing of His plan and desire for them on how He wants them to live with what is to come.  It starts with a house!  It was Jewish custom when a man was engaged to build an addition for his fiancĂ© on his father’s house, as she would move in with the family after the marriage.  Jesus tells us this to explain the great lengths He would go for you and that even now is preparing to bring you home. 


Read John chapter 14

·         What commands does Jesus leave his disciples after He leaves?

·         How could you use verse 6 to explain to others why you follow Christ?

·         Reread verse 12.  How can we do greater works than God?

·         This chapter discusses in detail the specific roles of the Trinity-God as Father, Son and Spirit.  Reread as needed and make three columns in your notes, writing down the role each has in God’s plan for our salvation.

·         Journal Prompt:  In verses 15, 21, and 31,  God ties a connection between loving Him and obeying Him.  Reflect on your obedience to Christ.  Are there any areas that need to come under submission to His word?  How do these verses encourage you to repent?


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