Hebrews 12:12-17
Key Verse: Strive for peace with
everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord Hebrews
1. Verse 12 starts with a
"therefore." Look back to the preceding verses. What
thought was the author connecting to his exhortation to strengthen what
2. In verses 12 and 13, the writer
returns to the running analogy of Hebrews 12:1-3. What advice does he
give the runner in these verses? What would being lame spiritually
look like? What is the danger of continuing to follow Christ with a lame
3. What are the commands the writer gives
in verses 14 and 15?
4. Why does the writer exhort the Hebrews
to pursue peace and holiness? Do you think by the way you live people can
see Christ in your life?
5. In verse 15 the writer returns
to a warning he gave in Hebrews chapter 4, the importance of making sure that
none fail to enter God's rest. This time, who is the warning directed to?
The people who have not yet entered into faith or those who have
experienced his grace and are called to lead others in? Is there someone
in your life God has put on your heart to speak to about the danger of not
putting their faith in Christ? What is preventing you from speaking to them?
6. This passage describes
bitterness as a root that can spread to others. Is there any parts of
your life that you are bitter towards God or His people? How can allowing
that attitude to grow affect others?
7. To further illustrate his point
about the danger of procrastinating repentance, the writer uses Esau as an
example. Read Genesis 25:29-34 and 27:33-36. What do you learn from
Esau? What things did he put ahead of God's plan for His life? Are you
living in a way were you may experience regret at putting off what God has for
you right now?