Hebrews 12:1-2

Key Verse: Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.  -Hebrews 12:1

Opening Reflection:  Have you ever competed in a race?  What things were part of your preparation?  What lessons from this experience parallel your spiritual life?

Study Questions:

1.  As this weeks study is only two verses, read it repeatedly and practice biblical meditation;  this practice involves repeated readings.  You may want to stop at each verb/noun and journal synonyms as you read to draw deeper meaning from the passage.  Consider reading in other translations through a website like biblegateway.com.  After meditation, what initially strikes you or encourages you about this verse?

2.  Verse 1 starts with a therefore.  How is the author using this word and "the great cloud of witnesses" mentioned next to connect the ideas from chapter 11 to his next statement?  Who in your life do you look to as an example when the life of faith gets hard?  Share with that person this week how they encourage you.

3.  The author gives two commands in this section.  What are they? Which one is more difficult for you to follow?

4.  The writer is comparing the spiritual journey of a Christ-follower to a race.  Reading these two verses, note what the run entails, where to focus and how to run unencumbered.  Now read 2 Corinthians 9:24-27.  What more does Paul have to say about the race of faith?

5.  If your faith is a race, how are you currently running (ex: jog, sprint, walk/run intervals...I'm not in the race yet)? Why would you describe your race that way?

6.  What things in life are weighing you down? What sins are clinging to you that prevent you from running in a steady and continuous way?  How can focusing on Christ as verse 2 teaches help you to run?

7.  Read verse 2 and list everything you learn about Jesus.  He is our forerunner and example of how to finish strong.  In what you learned, what do you see in His example that will enable you to keep moving?

8.  Jesus endured the cross for joy and entered into God's rest as He rules and reigns at the right hand of the Father. Is there something you are in the midst of enduring?  How does this section help you to persevere through the pain and work towards the rest and victory that God has for you in His Son?  Consider praying as you close for strength to stay in the race.  Are you willing to be built up by sharing your struggles with a trusted friend whose faith gives fortitude to yours?


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