Hebrews 10:1-18

Key Verse: Hebrews 10:14 For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. 
The sacrificial system is referenced multiple times in the first 18 verses of chapter 10.  Read through the chapter carefully and make notes about what you learn about it.  We know that these sacrifices are referencing the blood of bulls and goats as commanded by the law (see verses 4 and 10). What would the modern day equivalent of sacrificing to God be?  Do people still try to earn God's favor and blessing in any way? If someone knew what this passage teaches about the effectiveness of sacrifices taking away sin are they wasting their time? 

Verse 10:2 says that the sacrificial system would have stopped but people still feel guilt over sin and felt compelled to keep offering.  As a Christian do you struggle with guilt over things that Jesus has already forgiven?  Which verse in this passage can give you confidence that He does not hold it against you and no other offerings are needed?  Read John 3:18, 5:24, Romans 5:1, and 8:1 for more truth in this area. 

Read verses 8-9 carefully.  This must be an important concept as he repeats what He says in verses 6-7.  What did God desire from Christ?  Does He desire the same from you?  In what areas of life is calling you into deeper obedience not as a requirement for His favor but as an expression of your love for Him (see John 14:15)? 

Offering sacrifices repeatedly is exhausting work and the priests would offer the same ones over and over again (10:11).  Jesus said he comes to give rest (see Matthew 11:29).  Have you ever rested in Christ?  What does that mean in regard to our sin? 

In Hebrews 10:14 it mentions two states of being that Christians simultaneously embody.  How are both views necessary to persevere in the life of faith? What tension is caused in your life living this out? Sanctification often comes through trials (see James 1:2-4).  Has God used a trial to sanctify you?

Is the law still a part of the new covenant?  Read Hebrews 10:16, Micah 4:2, Matthew 5:17-18 and Romans 3: 27-28, 31 to formulate a response. 


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