Job part 10-Reminising


When the pain of life comes, it’s easy to fantasize how great things used to be.  Sometimes the familiar, though it was also hard, is what we long for.  For example, when traveling in the wilderness, the Israelites complained to Moses that their life was so hard they’d rather be back in Egypt (Numbers 14:2-3) where they experience slavery.  So where does your mind go when suffering comes?  Do you look back only remembering the good times?  This week, Job shows that same human tendency of looking back in the continuation of his response to Bldad that he began in chapter 26.   In his memory is he faithful to God?


Key Verse: Job 31:14 What then could I do when God arises? And when He calls me to account, what will I answer Him?


Job 29

·         Make a list of Job’s perspective on his relationships, wealth and physical health.  This will help you understand how he saw his life before all was taken away.

·         Journal Prompt: Have you ever thought about the past when the present seemed hard?  Is it a helpful or harmful to your faith in trials?


Job 30

·         As you read chapter 30, note how Job views himself, how others see him, and what his relationship with God is now like. 


Job 31

·         This chapter ends with the phrase the words of Job are ended. This chapter also has the word “if” many times.  How does Job using this word address his friends’ accusations against him with finality?  Make a list of the sins he is disputing. 

·         This chapter discusses judgment of sin.  Who is Job trusting this judgment to?

·         Journal prompt: Many people who believe in a “higher power” and that this vague spiritual presence is only loving and not just.  They disagree with the Christians view of God because they don’t want to be judged for their sin.  Have you ever felt like you didn’t deserve to be judged by God? Was this experience before or after you trusted in Jesus for your salvation?  Read these cross references and ponder what you would say to someone regarding God’s judgment of sin: Gen 18:25; Deuteronomy 32:4; John 5:22-24; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 3:5-8.


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