The Ministry of Reconciliation part 7-The Art of Parenting

Prepare Your Heart:  Read Psalm 127:3-5.  Meditate prayerfully on this verse.  What are the blessings you have received as a parent? 

Like my marriage study, I approach this lesson with slight trepidation.  I am not a perfect parent and don’t claim to be.  We are all on this God-seeking journey together.   It’s often nice to know you aren’t the only one who hasn’t got it all together yet. 

This week I’ve returned back from a trip to Colorado to visit my college roommate who is also a new mom.  It was pure joy to see the love in this family.  He is a miracle.  It was difficult for them to conceive but they have come out on the other side with a healthy baby boy.  In coming home, I was greeted by big hugs from my own two and “a what did you get me.”  Having dinner that night as a family for the first time in a few days, my son was having a hard time remembering to use his table manners.  At our house my kids get one reminder about manners and then they don’t get dessert.  This includes the responsibility of clearing the table.  My son forgot to clear his dishes so he didn’t get a treat.  My husband commented, “Mommy’s really home now!”

In searching for a title for this study, comparing parenting to a work of art seemed like the best way to describe it.  For as we shape our children, we are leaving a mark on this world, much like a sculpture creates his masterpiece.   And some days parenting may seem like abstract art, stuff thrown on an empty canvas.  Let us encourage one another to be glorifying God in our interactions with our kids.  As Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) He can redeem our parenting. As we look to His word, he can grow us into the parents He intends us to be. 

1.        Past: Journal about how you were parented.  What were the positives and negatives of that experience?  How has that shaped you as a parent? 

2.        Present: Read the following verses under each sub-topic.  Reflect upon your current practices compared to what God says about parenting:

·         Spiritual Leadership-Psalm 34:11, 78:4-7; Proverbs 14:26; Matthew 18:5-6, 19:14; Deuteronomy 4:9, 6:7; 2 Timothy 3:15, 6:20.  Are you leading your child to grow spiritually?  What habits do you have in your family life that encourages their relationship with the Lord?

·         Legacy-Psalm 13:22; Isaiah 65:23, Deuteronomy 11:21  Are you leaving your children’s children with a legacy of faith?  Do you seek blessing for the generations to come?

·         Single Parenting- 1 Corinthians 7:14 You may be a single parent or the only believer in your home.  Be encouraged, your faith will have a profound effect on your children!

·         Inheritance- 2 Corinthians 12:14  How are you providing for the physical needs of your children, even after you are gone?

·         Discipline- Hebrews 12:7-11, Ephesians 6:1-4, Colossians 3:20, Proverbs 19:18, 29:17  Do you retain a loving authority in your home?  As you discipline, is your heart focused in the right way for the right reasons?

·         Tenderness- Colossians 3:21; James 1:19-20; 1 Thessalonians 2:7, 11; 1 Timothy 3:4 Are you considerate of how you talk to your kids?  Are you sensitive to their emotional needs?

·         Mentors- Titus 1:5-8, 2:4; Philippians 2:22 Do you have people in your life to ask for help from who are parenting the way you aspire to?  What about an older couple who has been through this season of life?

·         Maturation-1 Corinthians 13:11,12; Galatians 1:15, 4:1, 6:1-2; Proverbs 22:6 Do you accept your children where they are at and see that they are in process of maturing?  Do you make plans in your parenting to help them grow up to be what God has designed them to be?

3.       Future:  With what we studied today, what areas are you doing well in your parenting?  What areas do you have to grow in?  For me one of my weaknesses is tenderness.  I have a daughter with a very sensitive soul who is different from my easy-going son.  The same voice that corrects him can send her bawling to her room.  My plan is to memorize 1 Thessalonians 2:7 so God can begin to transform my instincts in this area.  After reflecting, make a plan on how to start parenting in response to God’s word

The One Thing:  I am constantly amazed at how much I learn about my own relationship with God from my parenting.  In His word, God instructs us to consider how His relationship with us is like our relationship with our own kids.  Read Isaiah 29:23 and Matthew 18:1-5.  Spend time talking to God and ask Him what you can learn about your relationship to Him by His gift of children to you.  Let us persevere in our ministry of reconciliation by growing in our faith, so that in time the words of life we have may be instilled into them by saving faith.  


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