Ministry of Reconciliation part 1-Get the Context

Prepare Your Heart: Always remember to begin with prayer.  How to pray before you study?  Tell God what you are hoping to learn, ask Him to open your eyes to His truth through His Spirit.  Ask Him to bring conviction when needed, wisdom to apply what He shows you, and courage to share with others…and always thank and praise Him for He is worthy!
Ever hear only part of a conversation, make a judgment, and then later find out you were missing important details?  What about reading a quote, being a little surprised, and later reading the whole article only to find that it was misleading?  Context is key to correct interpretation.  Let’s spend some time getting into the context of 2 Corinthians chapter 5.
As mentioned in the study introduction you will need a bible and a journal/notebook/laptop to record things you are learning.  If you want to get crazy, grab some colored pencils to write in your Bible.  If you don’t want to write in your bible, consider printing out this chapter:
I use the NASB, but there are many great translations out there.  Simply follow the link and change the version. 
1.        How many times do you read the word therefore?  As my favorite Bible teacher Kay Arthur says, “If you see a therefore, find out what it’s there for!”  Underline each one.
2.       Make a list of the verses contained in each point.  For example, the first therefore is found in verse 6, so a point is made in verses 1-5.  The first verse-grouping on your list should be 1-5. You should have seven total.
3.       Paul is making a logical argument we can follow by summarizing each point made before the next therefore.  Summarize the point made in each verse-groupings you listed above
4.       Look up the following verses:  Colossians 1:19-20, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Hebrews 11:14-16, Colossians 1:10, Philippians 3:7-8, Ephesians 6:19-20, Romans 5:18.  Each verse reference will match the summaries you created.  Find the connections in theme. 
5.       How do all parts of the Trinity (God the Father, Christ, the Holy Spirit) work together in this chapter?  What are their specific jobs in the life of the believer?
6.       List any initial questions you have after this first study looking at context.  The brave will type them in the comments section of this blog post so I can answer them and use them to create our next steps! 
The One Thing: What is one thing God showed you in this passage to develop your personal ministry of reconciliation?  Make a plan and do it! Sharing what you learned and how you intend to let that truth change the way you live is a great way to comment on this post to encourage others during our study. 


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