Gleanings: Holy Spirit Series

So ladies we are coming to the end of our study of the Holy Spirit, though I hope that your walk with Him will always continue as you seek to know and honor His presence and power in your life. 
As you know (as I’ve had you do it so often), journaling is one of the primary ways I process my faith-journey with God.  It is a common practice of mine to stop and look back periodically to see what I have been learning and what growth has occurred.  Similarly to looking at old pictures, sometimes growth seems small until you compare it to times past.  It is always encouraging to look back and see how far you’ve come and the things that have made an impact on you.  The term gleanings is a biblical custom found in Leviticus 19:10 and Ruth 2, where the poor would be allowed to follow after the harvest and gather the leftover wheat from the workers.  Ladies, you have just harvested knowledge from the Lord.  Go back and glean and receive His final words for you!
This last study should take some time, perhaps over several days if you take your time in reflecting so don’t rush the process.  Read over your journal notes and the scripture passages we’ve studied:
·         Judges 14
·         1 Samuel 10
·         Matthew 3:1-4:10
·         John 14
·         John 16
·         Acts 2
·         Acts 10
·         Romans 8
·         1 Corinthians 2
·         1 Corinthians 12
·         1 Corinthians 14
·         Galatians 5
·         Ephesians 4
·         1 John 4
Another thing you may have learned about me by now is I love worshipping through music!  I find it a cathartic way of preparing my heart and connecting to God.  This is one of my current fav’s and think it is perfect “anthem” for this study: Chris Tomlin, Where the Spirit of the Lord is  (from the Passion: Awakenings album).  Listen and worship.  Read and pray.  Glean His truth from this study and ask the Lord to keep in vibrant in your heart. 
As you go through your notes and each passage, make a running list of the things that you don’t want to forget, that you found most impactful and life-changing.  At the end of this process, write yourself a letter and ask someone close to you to give it to you later on when you least expect it.  It is the coolest thing to get a reminder of what you’ve learned when it’s off your radar.  In my experience God’s timing is perfect in reminding me through this method. 
And a personal request, please comment on this post about the study.  I love getting comments because it helps me refine what I do for you and it encourages me to see people blessed by the time I spend putting these studies together.  When God gives you wisdom, it is for your good but also for the good of others, so share out what He has taught you and done in your life!  It is another way of giving Him the honor due His name (Psalm 29:2). 
If you'd like to know more, I just heard that Matt Chandler from The Village Church is going to be preaching about the Holy Spirit in a series starting in January 2012.  It is my favorite podcast and I hope you find it a good resource as well. 
Next week we will begin our next study series…here is a clue…2 Corinthians 5:18.  Hope you will stick with as we see the Lord work us into the house He’s building!

Blessed to be a blessing,


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