The Holy Spirit part 12- Unity Among Believers
Prayer Prompt: Lord help me to be united with Your people, bonded together by one Spirit to corporately worship one God through one faith. Read: Ephesians 4 Introduction: Last week the focus of our study was walking with the Spirit. This chapter of Ephesians gives us more practical ways to show this by instructions to live “as one” with other Christians. It also says if we don’t live that way, the Holy Spirit can be grieved…have you ever felt that? Psalm 30:4 says For day and night You hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer; Selah [stop and think] . In this chapter we learn that through the Spirit all who believe in God through Christ can have unity and that our aim should be to preserve that bond with diligence. This means you must intentionally guard and protect it. Our enemy seeks to isolate and devour us (1 Peter 5:8). It is much easier for Him to mislead one who is standing alone. Study: · ...