Exodus-Let Your Glory Fall


I am an avid hiker.  I am lucky enough to live in Washington state and am only a short drive away from oceans, mountains, and forests.  I love to be outside as it pushes me physically as well as gives me time to visit with my friends.  Most of all, I love being constantly surrounded by the beauty and majesty of God. When I think of heaven, the thing I am the most excited about is seeing the splendor and magnificent light of God first hand. 


This week’s section brings a glorious conclusion to the journey Israel has been on as they have followed God.  Coming off of the idol worship and judgement of the golden calf, Israel now turns to obey God’s guidelines in worship.  




Exodus 35-40 

This is the final section of the book of Exodus.  As you read, note the similarities between this and the previous building instructions.  Also note the people’s willingness to serve God in the way he commanded in contrast to what happened with the golden calf.  



Chapter 35

The Israelites are finally ready to prepare the tabernacle according to the Lord’s instructions.  In a parallel to their great sin of idol worship, this section starts out with a contribution.  Instead of just donating gold, the Israelites give of all the materials needed for the temple: word, skins, oils, yarns, and precious stones.   In a moving verse, the people response as their hearts and spirits moved them to give[1].  This is not unlike the kind of giving Christians today are commanded to do, where Paul teaches the church to give what you have decided in your heart cheerfully[2].


The general contractors, whom God had previously introduced, now come forward to lend their skill.  They were empowered by God’s spirit and had skills, intelligence, knowledge and craftsmanship to do all that God had designed in His tabernacle.  Not only that, he gave him teaching gifts to share his skills with others.  What God has called you to do, you can give to others in the body of Christ, to multiply the gifts within the church for the service of God.  


Chapter 36

Ultimately, the people bring so many contributions, they gave more than what is needed[3].  This shows so much joy in the people, that they weren’t giving out of obligation but desire to worship.  What would it be like in our churches today, if we gave so freely we had to be stopped to give?  What ministries and help could we provide people in need if we worshiped God abundantly in our giving? In the end, Moses had to tell them to stop giving.  The rest of the chapter describes in detail the procedure of the work.  


Chapter 37-39

This section describes more of the construction procedures, starting with inside the tabernacle in chapter 37 and then outside the tabernacle in chapter 38, then moving to the garments of the priests, chapter 39.  Why this is important is that the reader can see how carefully the people are following God’s instructions.  This statement is so important it is repeated three times in the chapter! Last time, the people had made their own idol--golden calf.  Now, they are following God’s instructions completely. This observation is made clear in chapter 39:32 which states “and the people of Israel did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so they did.” Happily, the construction section ends with Moses blessing the people.  On the mountain, he had previously cursed them but now is delighted that for now at least they have learned their lesson and our finally following God’s commands. 


Chapter 40

After leaving Exodus, the last half of the book has been leading to this moment.  God has rescued His people, led them in the desert, given them laws and instructions to become a holy people set apart for Him.  After doubt, grumblings, and disobedience, they finally have completed the tabernacle so as they follow God through the wilderness, His presence can dwell with them.  One year after they left Egypt, the work was done to the specifications of God.  

The glory of the Lord falls so thickly and richly, that Moses is not able to enter the tent.  This cloud remained at day and turned to fire at night.  When it moved, the people moved with it as they followed Him to the promised land.  


Someday the people of God will dwell in a land without a temple because the whole earth will be God’s house, full of His presence and glory.   John says in Revelation[4], “I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and Lamb are its temple.  



1.      What is your practice of giving like?  Do you give out of compulsion or cheerfully? 

2.     Where do you typically go to behold the glory of God? 

3.     Today God guides the believer not through a cloud and fire but through His word and His spirit?  Are you regularly following these prompting as you walk with God? 



For notifications of new posts, video devotionals, and scripture images follow me on Instagram @House_Youre_Building! 



[1] V. 21

[2] 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

[3] V. 6

[4] Revelation 21:22


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