

Dear Blog Readers, 


Thank you for sticking with me through a long series in John.  I hope as you prayed, read, meditated, and reflected on that great gospel God has opened your eyes to know Jesus and to believe in Him. 


I’m starting a new series on the book of Ephesians as I’ve just finished teaching it to my small group.  This first post will be an introduction to the book and give you some insight into some of the themes that will emerge as I break down the book section by section.  


Ephesus: A Cultural Center

First let’s get some information about Ephesus itself.  Ephesus was a port city, contained a vast retail market and was strategically positioned by major land routes.  It was a hub of culture for those in the region boasting the temple of Artemis as well as a sports stadium and buildings to display artistic works. It was one of the top 5 cities in the Roman Empire, much like an ancient New York city! 


Paul’s time in Ephesus

Referencing Acts gives us a peek into Paul’s time in Ephesus[1].  From chapters 19 and 20 we learn that Paul went there after being in Corinth.  He met some disciples of John the Baptist and made them disciples of Christ.  Baptizing those 12 men, he then preached in the synagogue for 3 months.  After that he lectured to Gentiles in the Hall of Tyrannus for 2 years so both people- groups heard the gospel.  


Paul made an impact on the city the two years he was there.   Paul was so well known for healing people that some Jewish exorcists tried to copy him.  These copy-cats were attacked by evil spirits who knew they were counterfeit-Paul’s power came from how the Holy Spirit was using miracles to confirm the gospel, not for his personal gain like the exorcists.  Paul’s preaching brought so many to Christ, the idol industry suffered.   The idol makers then lost business and stirred up a riot within the city that lasted for hours in protest.  


Paul’s relationship with the church was very close as he spent so much time there.  Not only were the Ephesian business men against him as the response to the gospel was affecting sales, the Jewish Pharisees also wanted Paul to leave as Jews were being persuaded that Christ was the long-awaited Messiah.  In an emotional vignette, Paul tearfully says goodbye to the elders and their wives at the harbor at his departure, giving them a warning about false teachers and encouraging them to keep alert and help the weak.  


Literary Considerations

Ephesians is a letter written by Paul in 62 AD when he was in Rome under house arrest.  It was a circular letter, written for churches within the region.  Some have compared it to a shortened Romans as it is a rich theological book that teaches about the greatness of our salvation and the nature of man.  Ephesians is balanced; in its 6 chapters the first half of the book covers the salvation of Christ while the second half of the book describes the life of a Christian in response to what Christ has done.  



As we go through Ephesians, you will see teaching from Paul about: 

·      our blessings in Christ

·      how all members of the Trinity (Father/Son/Holy Spirit) have a part in our salvation

·      contrasting our old/new life in Christ

·      models of fervent prayer

·      relationships with others, especially having unity with other believers

·      how to equip yourself to deal with spiritual warfare




Three key themes will return again and again through Ephesians.  Read the following questions and journal where you are currently at with the Lord.

·      Spiritual Blessings: When you think about God, what have you received from Him that blesses you and enriches your life? 

·      Sanctification: How has faith changed you? How are you different than you used to be? 

·      Unity: What is your connection with other God or other Christians like?  Has it always been this way? 


Excited to start this new series and hope you enjoy going through this letter with me.  I highly recommend reading the book through once and then journaling about your first impressions.  

Grace be to all who love Christ with love incorruptible[1],



[1]Acts 19:1-41, 20: 17-38


[2] Ephesians 6:24


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