Titus: Sound Doctrine

Sisters and Seekers,

Glad you are back in our 5th study of Titus.  Today we get into the "theology" behind what we studied last week, how our lives should look as we live out our faith.  By completing this study, you'll learn more about how how great our salvation is.  As previously mentioned, if you are just starting out, go back and find the blog post titled: Titus: Overview.

How did the Spirit speak to you through studying the different seasons of life last time?  Did He reveal an area where you can grow?  As we study, don't forget what He is revealing.  In fact, stop right now and say a little prayer that He would open your eyes to what He wants you to see as you approach His word and that He would bring it to mind in your time of need.  Hopefully you are praying each time you study; I know for me I find it very helpful as I battle distraction, motivation, and a hardened heart at time when I come to sit at His feet.

When you get to the application section, maybe do one reflection a day.  Don't rush the process of letting God's word work it's way into your life!

Titus 2:11-15

-seek to understand exactly what the passage is saying without adding any interpretation to it

  • Define words you may have circled in the overview because you didn't know their meaning.  Look them up in a dictionary, then reread the verse.  After getting the context, write a definition in the margin or above the word you circled.
  • If there is a verse you don't understand, read it in another word-for-word translation (see first week for recommended versions).   Make notes on your passage of any new understandings you have.  
  • Write down question that emerge from reading.  You can write them on your annotated Titus scripture so it's easy to see them in the inference phrase of study.  
  • When reading this section you'll notice characteristics of God.  As we covered in our overview, the Bible is a book about God, not us.  When we see His qualities described we should note that as a way of building relationship and getting to know Him better.  You can choose to journal about these traits in the application section with the suggested prompts from Wilkenson's book Women of the Word
  • This passage has a list of commands, things to do and things to avoid.  List them in your notes.  
 -take what you just learned about what the section says and discover the nuance of what it means
  • Look up cross references for this section.  Add any notes that are helpful to interpreting what the passage means.  
  • Paraphrase a confusing verse yourself to help you understand it.  Paraphrasing means reading the original version and putting it in your own words.  As it's only 4 verses, take the challenge of paraphrasing the entire section.  I'll share mine with you in my next post.  
  • Compare your version with The Message or New Living Translation, as they are also paraphrased versions of the Bible.   Note what you learned from this comparison.
  • If you still have questions, read commentaries or notes in your study bible.   You can also ask me a question in the comments and I'll try to answer as best I can.  
-what do I do with what I'm learning
  • Journal any or all of the following questions:  What does this teach me about God?  How does this aspect of God's character change my view of myself?  What should I do in response? 
  • This group of verses reminds me that we are all in process because verse 11 says that God's grace trains us to change.  Read Titus 3:4-5 and Romans 6:12-14.   It's this attribute of His, His grace, that encourages us to live differently.  How can I apply this quality of God those around me who are struggling?  Who in my life needs transformation. Am I demanding they change by being judgmental in my words or encouraging them by being graceful in my spirit? Have I analyzed my own life before working about someone else (see Matthew 7:3-5)?  On the other side, have you received correction from a friend and responded in denial?  Meditate on Proverbs 27:6 and ask God if humility, truth and restoration is needed in your walk with Him or your friendship.  
  •  The salvation of God is for all people.  Let that sink in.  Ever talk yourself out of sharing about Jesus because you think that someone is too different than you to understand your faith.  All people everywhere need Jesus.  He is the answer for every heart's deep brokenness.  Remember you only see the outside but God sees the whole heart and desires all people to come to Him (1 Samuel 16:7, 2 Peter 3:9).   Read Psalm 67 about how He will bring people from all nations to Him.  This extends far beyond ethnicity into culture, our lifestyles (think about what you learned last week) and socioeconomic status.  Who can you pray for that God will reveal yourself to Him?  Is He asking you to take a step and speak your desires for them to know Him as you do? 
  • To redeem means to liberate by paying a ransom.  We were held captive by sin.  Jesus paid what sin demanded to free us.  It cost him greatly.  Read Matthew 20:29 and 1 Peter 1:18-19 and spend some time in worship, sing and pray, thanking Him for what He has done.  
  • Jesus didn't just die for us to save us from an eternity without Him but He wanted to create a unique bond with Hi people, to purify them, that He would create in them the same "take action" mentality.  Our service is to energetic and enthusiastic.  He doesn't want our service to come from a place of obligation but to bring our passion and excitement into it.  How is your heart in regard to how you are serving?  Spend time asking God to refuel your heart for the work He has called you to.  
  • Worldy passions was one of my questions where I studied.  What are they?  If you are curious as well, consult these cross-references and make a list.  1 Peter 4:2-3, 1 John 2:16,  Gal 5:19-21, 24: 1 Tim 6:9.  Now the hard part, to honestly ask God which ones of these are in your life and which ones He wants you to put to death.  In my daily prayer I always ask God where He is working in my life.  Until He takes me home I am determined to have my life look more like Jesus each day and this is a place to start...we're in this work of sanctification together! 


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