Titus: A Worthy Leader

Welcome back to the third installment of our study on Titus.  I hope so far God has been opening your eyes to the truth He wants to you to see, to be transformed more and more each day to be like Jesus.

Our work this week will be much like last time in that we will follow similar steps during the comprehension  and interpretation stages.  Remember this study is based on Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin.  The process is repetitive intentionally.  My hope for the end of this study is not only do you glean many truths for your life from Titus but you receive a model to follow on how to study any book of the Bible.  Because I won't go into as much depth, please refer to the second week of the study for more details on each step if needed.

In our very first week studying Titus, the book overview, you were to outline the book.  Today's passage will be the second "section" in the overview I made: qualifications of leadership.    In Titus 1:5, Paul reminds Titus of his purpose in Crete--to appoint elders.  This study will give us a robust understanding of the character that qualifies someone to lead God's people.  For those in leadership currently, it will be a good chance to reflect on your own life and confirm that these qualities are true of you.  For those aspirating to grow in faith and responsibility, it can be something to aim for.  Remember, thought you may not have a "formal" position, everyone has influence and can  God to shape their character to reflect these qualities as a witness to those around them.

Titus 1:5-9

-seek to understand exactly what the passage is saying without adding any interpretation to it

  • Define words you may have circled in the overview because you didn't know their meaning.  Look them up in a dictionary, then reread the verse.  After getting the context, write a definition in the margin or above the word you circled.
  • If there is a verse you don't understand, read it in another word-for-word translation (see first week for recommended versions).   Make notes on your passage of any new understandings you have.  Is there any attributes of God you can find?  
  • Write down question that emerge from reading.  You can write them on your annotated Titus scripture so it's easy to see them in the inference phrase of study.  
  • This passage contains two lists.  Write down the things that an elder should do/be and another list on what they shouldn't do/be.  Study 1 Timothy 3:1-7 as a parallel passage.  Note the things that are the same as Titus and things that are different.  This passage is also helpful as it gives the "why" to these qualifications.  

 -take what you just learned about what the section says and discover the nuance of what it means
  • Look up cross references for this section.  You will want to use another bible here as the paper you printed out does not have cross references.  Add any notes that are helpful to interpreting this section.  
  • Paraphrase a confusing verse yourself to help you understand it.  Paraphrasing means reading the original version and putting it in your own words.  
  • Compare your version with The Message or New Living Translation, as they are also paraphrased versions of the Bible.  The same bible website you used to print your copy can also look up different versions of scripture.  Note what you learned from this comparison.
  • If you still have questions, read commentaries or notes in your study bible.  If you don't own any commentaries, the blue letter bible website/app have a selection of many free ones you can access online.  
-what do I do with what I'm learning

  • One of the qualifications for an elder is that they manage their home well.  This means that they invest spiritually into those they live with as a reflection on if they can help shepard those in the in church (see 1 Timothy 1:4-5).  If you are a parent, are you neglecting them and putting all of your investment outside the walls of your home?  What are ways you can be more intentional and give more time to building up the faith of your children? 
  • As a leader, you must have the attitude that combines the two titles in verse 7-overseer and steward.  An overseer manages and supervises.  A steward knows he is looking after something that doesn't belong to HIm.  Holding the attitude that you are managing all that is God's and not your own will help you hold the right attitude as you fill out your role. This verse also says you should view your self without arrogance, remembering the ministry is God's and not your own.  This will help you to eradicate any prideful influence.  Read 1 Peter 4:10-11, Luke 12:42-43, and 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 and pray over this attitude in your leadership.  If needed, confess and recommit you ministry as a steward repenting of the ownership you have held in your heart.  
  • Hospitality-Many think this gift has to do with decor and presentation.  Having a put together home and everything needed for entertaining.  I think there is a myth that the more comfortable and lavish the surroundings the more at peace your guest will be.  But the Bible says that hospitality, and in this passage the attitude of an elder, is instead a warm, open and welcoming spirit,  It is a receptive and open climate, something people sense just from being around you.   This characteristic is to be directed toward guests and strangers!  When people think of you is this the reputation you have? 
  • Being above reproach is repeated twice so it must be important.  Reproach is living a lifestyle without a hint of anything unclean. That anyone looking in wouldn't have a charge they could think of against you.  Is there any hint of anything going on that you've been compromising a bit?  What witness does this give the world?  
  • Titus was to put what remained in order.  As a minister, no matter what you face  there is always something that remains, that you can use to build up, that you can work with, that God can nourish and grow through your service.  The kingdom of God doesn't need resources the way the world does.  Jesus said if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can move a mountain (Matthew 17:20).  All you need is something small and pure and God can do a ton with it!  What is in your life that remains, in the ashes of your soul that God wants to coax back to a roaring flame? He can and will if you give it to Him. 


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