Way of Escape

Hi blog readers!

Sorry for my extended absence.  I've been doing some new things with women and the Lord and haven't felt His calling to write the past few months as He's had me invested on other things but brought you to mind the last few days so wanted to share some thoughts about dealing with temptation.  Our verse to consider today is:

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10: 13

One of the groups I am involved in has been looking closely at what the bible says about our sexuality and how to deal with temptation.  Though a lot of what I am studying is connected to sex, these truths about temptation can be applied to any area we struggle in.  So whatever you area of weakness is, I pray that you will find truth and encouragement today to stay strong and resist!

One thing that is a relief to remember is that being tempted is not a sin!  We don't have to avoid God when experiencing temptation.  Jesus went into the dessert for 40 days and experienced temptation (Matthew 4:1) and the bible says in Hebrews chapter 4 that even thought He was tempted in every way He was sinless.  Instead we are to approach His throne with confidence.  Only temptation allowed to continue  gives birth to sin which fully growth gives birth to death (James 1:14-15).

This verse declares His sovereign power over even the temptations that we are allowed to experience.  In Job chapters one and two, we see a picture of the permission needed by Satan to allow Job to be tempted to deny God.  He guards all things that we will experience.  Yet God does not tempt anyone (James 1:14).  We within ourselves allow the desire that is there within our flesh, We have two natures and only by Christ's divine help can we escape our own corruption (2 Peter 1: 4)

So let us reason together from what we've just read:

  • We are all tempted
  • Jesus understands our temptation
  • We must go to Him when we are because He provides a way of escape
  • If we don't, the temptations we experience lead to sin and death
I have had a simple revelation that most of you spiritual people out there know, and I've known but somehow it just got a little deeper.  I've discover the way of escape!  This is the hope and truth I can cling to when I'm considering listening and be led farther away from my God and His plans for me. 

Ready?  Satan is a liar.  He is a LIAR!  Pants are on fire!  (John 8:44)

If his speech is always full of lies, whatever he is telling you to do won't satisfy or fulfill you.  It isn't even true.  What he doesn't wants you to know about the outcome of following temptation is that it leads to a pit full of pain and regret.  

The way of escape is this: temptations are lies.  They are false.  There is nothing in them that will come true.  Sin always over promises and under delivers.   

So don't do it!  Don't listen and be led not just astray but down a path that will only lead to danger.  

The way of escape is believe God and that how He says to live is really better for you.  In His love for you He says this, not because He wants to take and keep things from you.  He designed you and knows how you will find all you long for...it's in Him!

Fisherman dangle bait by rocks because that's where fish hide.  Stay under Jesus your Rock! Remember behind the lure a hook awaits...


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