Moses Turns Aside

2 And the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed.
3 And Moses said, "I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned."
4 When the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am."
Exodus 3:2-4

In reading the story of Moses this afternoon, I noticed something I hadn't before.  When replaying the narrative in my mind, I'd always thought that God just speaks to Moses from the bush.  If you reread verse three carefully, you'll see that before God spoke, Moses chose to turn aside.  God had sent an angel to speak to Moses on His behalf.  Moses saw the angle as a burning fire.  The interesting thing to Moses wasn't that the bush was on fire, but that it wasn't being consumed.  Something mystical and divine was occuring.

God set up the encounter but Moses had to stop and look.  Only then, when God noticed he stopped did God speak to Moses.

So today I'm in Florida.  Had an unexpected detour.  Flew into the wrong airport.  Though my day started out relaxing, I had to look for a hotel and figure out how to get back to a city two hours away from where I'm staying and then where to stay, what to do while we are there, etc.  We go on vacations to intentions are not coming to pass.  After two hours of looking, I'm feeling exhausted and decided to go work out to feel better.  I hit the down button on the elevator and hear God say to me that I was seeking peace in the wrong place.  I hadn't even talked to Him about the situation.

I leave the alcove and head back to my room to pick up my daily bible and here is this story.  Not 3 verses in and He's already spoken into my situation.  He has set up the pieces of my life so all things will cause me to stop and turn aside.  He provides the moving pieces; I choose to stop and listen.  This place will hold no rest for me unless even here I slow myself down to embrace true peace.  It's not found in a sandy beach, though that is helpful to create that space, the enemy is always there to come alongside and disrupt and attack the gifts to be mine if I stop to listen.

So I understand the lesson.  No matter where you are and what comes about, I must live the same way in all places, in all circumstances.   Turn aside and listen.  Then He will speak and whatever it is that this day has for me will come about with the right heart.  Then the fun begins.

For you readers this is especially good news because though you might not be in a tropical location, you can experience the same rest I am right where you are right now.  It just means being in the right relationship with the one who created you and orders your steps.

Vacation is not about the location you are in, but the location of the heart.  Hope you find your oasis...


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