Colossians part 2- The Revealed Mystery of Wisdom in Christ
Have you ever taken an on-line class? For my teaching credentials I’ve had to take several. In some ways I think of this letter to the church at Colossae as distance learning; this church had never met Paul face to face, he has a big charge-to teach them how to guard themselves about false teachers. Just like we put faith in the credentials of an institution of learning, this church had to rely on the truth of Paul’s message through their relationship with Epaphras. The message Paul sends them, as he has heard of the lies the enemy has tried to put into their new faith, are still in need of guarding against today. As the chapter opens, we see again that the way of God are mysterious. Only knowing God’s word through the Bible can we discern what is true in what people tell us. Key verse: Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the f...