Job part 8-The Object of Faith

This week begins the third and final discourse between Job and his friends.  Hard to even give them this title at this point!  This week we will read about the last discussion between Job and Eliphaz. Wealth and how to produce that which lasts (refining) seems to be the main theme in this section, so as you read make sure you notice their opposing views. 


Key Verse: But He knows the way that I take; when He has tried me I shall come out as gold.  Job 3:10


Job 22

·         What does Eliphaz claim Job is valuing instead of God?  List the specific sins he says Job has committed. 

·         Read through these New Testament references about the influence of riches.  Some of the references describe earthy treasures while some describe heavenly ones.  Take notes on how these verses parallel Eliphaz’s argument: Matthew 6:19-21; Mark 10: 17-22; Luke 12:34; Revelation 3:14-18.

·         Journal Prompt:  Would you say you trust in riches or your wealth in any way?  If you had do downgrade your lifestyle, would it change your character and joy? 


Job 23

·         Journal Prompt: In our key verse (v.10) Job declares the refining power of God in His life.  Look up these verses about the refining process: Psalm 12:6; Psalm 66:10; Proverbs 17:3; Isaiah 48:10; Jeremiah 9:7; Zechariah 13:9.  Though refining is not always pleasant is it worth it?  When was the last time you have gone through an experience like this with the Lord?


Job 24

·         Job ends his response by once again discussing the wicked.  Does he hold his position that they don’t always suffer?  As you read this chapter, notice what they do and what happens to them.  Read carefully, because their victims are also listed and the word “they” doesn’t always describe them. 

·         Compare this chapter with Job 9:22-24; 10:1-3; 21:7.  Does Job’s view of the wicked stay consistent through the book?



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