John part 8-Jesus the True Manna

Key Verse:  I am the living bread that came down from heaven.  If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.  This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”  John 6:51 (NIV)


Jesus gave His life on earth so that we can live.  All that He asks in return is that we believe in Him.  In the second half of John 6, Jesus tells the Jews, His Disciples, and us how to do this – by eating His flesh and drinking His blood (v. 53).  Jesus is speaking metaphorically, yet the Pharisees and many of Jesus’ followers didn’t understand and therefore rejected His message.  As you study this week, please reflect on Jesus’ words. Think about your own response to Jesus’ message regarding His flesh and blood.  Reflect on how He was sacrificed so that you may truly live.



Read John 6:41-71


·         Jesus makes several references to God choosing those who will believe in Jesus.  What does He mean?  For help, refer to Jeremiah 31:3, Hosea 11:4, Matthew 13:11; John 6:65; James 1:17


·         Add to your list from last week everything that Jesus says about being the bread of life.  What does He say about eternal life?  What does Jesus say it takes to obtain it? 


·         Jesus’ followers witnessed several signs that pointed towards Jesus as the Messiah.  Yet, they ran away when confronted.  Why do you think they left? What was Jesus’ response to the disciples who stayed?  What did He know about them?



Journal Prompt:  How did you come to Jesus?  Reflect on your journey towards Him.  Where do you see or have seen God at work in your life bringing you to Him? 



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