Wisdomfied part 20-The Final Word

Hello friends,

Are there any of you still out there?  I have been so busy creating studies for my own bible study that I haven’t had time to finish Proverbs.  I also decided to share on-line what my women’s group is doing, so I’ll be able to post more regularly for those of you who are doing the study and needing something more consistent. 

With that said, I will be doing a super-sized post today to finish up Proverbs.  This post is not meant to be done in one sitting but in topical sections.  If you’ve been doing this study it’s the same process, read each verse, take notes on what you observe, summarize your learning in one or two sentences, and then journal about a verse that the Holy Spirit reveals to you as important.  That is a verse that when you are reading pops off the page; there may something inside you that feels inspired, curious, or emotionally attached to it.  That is the best way to describe what I feel when I am reading and I just know that God wanted those words to bear fruit for me that day.  The result of this process is not build up knowledge, but to be changed by God.  Perhaps you have a specific action to do as a result of your personal study.  As always, spend time in prayer with God after your study to find out how your life should change and access His power and encouragement in your life for this to happen.

All right…here we go!  All references will be in the book of Proverbs and for the sake of length I will be posting these in a single line today.  Remember these recommended readings come from The Daily Bible by Harvest House Publishers. 

1.       Economic Well-Being:

·         Benevolence and generosity-3:27-28, 11:24-26, 13:22, 14:21, 18:16, 19:17, 21:13, 22:9, 25:14, 28:27

·         Oppression of the Poor-13:23, 14:31, 15:15, 16:8, 22:16,22-23, 29:7,13

·         Industriousness-6:6-11, 10:4-5,26, 12:11,24,27, 13:4, 14:4,23, 15:19, 16:26, 18:9, 19:15,24, 20:4,13, 21:17,20,25-26, 22:29, 24:27,30-34, 26:14, 27:18, 27:23-27, 28:19

·         Guaranteeing another’s debt-6:1-5, 11:15, 17:18, 20:16, 22:26,17

2.       People

·         Parenting-1:8-9, 10:1, 11:29, 15:20, 17:2,6,21,25, 19:26, 20:20, 23:22-25, 28:24

·         Aging-16:31, 20:29

·         Wives-11:22, 12:4, 14:1, 18:22, 19:13-14, 21:9,19, 27:15,16, 31:10-31

·         Rulers-14:28,25, 16:10,12-15, 29:24

3.       Character and Emotion

·         Caution-16:17, 22:3,5

·         Reputation-22:1, 25:9,10

·         Courage-3:25,26, 14:32, 22:13, 24:10, 26:13, 28:1

·         Hope-13:12,19, 23:17,18

·         Joy & Grief-14:10,13, 15:13, 17:22, 18:14, 25:20, 27:11, 29:6

·         Good news-15:30, 25:25

·         Curiosity-27:20

Next you will study the passages from Agur and King Lemel.  There is no known historical evidence on who these were written by.  Agur means “one who collects.”  Some scholars believe that King Lemel is and another name for Solomon himself who is repeating wisdom from his mother. Yet as they are included in the scriptures we can still be certain that they are the inspired word of God and should consider what God has to say to us through them.

4.       Sayings of Agur-30:1-33

5.       Sayings of Kim Lemuel-31:1-9

So when starting this study I had titled it Wisdomfied, my invented colloquialism for describing the process of how one grows in wisdom.  Read 2 Corinthians 1:18-2:16.  What do you learn about the word’s wisdom verses God’s wisdom?  Remember that God speaks to us through His word.  2 Timothy 3:16 says that All Scripture is inspired by God is profitable for teaching. So if you want God to teach you how to be wise you must be in His word.  The last section to finish our study of Proverbs is to read the next few sections to revisit the purpose of the Proverbs in giving us wisdom. 

6.       The Benefits of Wisdom-1:1-7,20-33, 22:17-21

I hope this study has been beneficial for you and allowed you to grow in wisdom!



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